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“There are more sex offenders moving to New Smyrna Beach and that has prompted city leaders to consider shrinking the locations where both sexual offenders and sexual predators can legally live.”
Let’s see, they’re going to increase the “safety buffers” from 1000′ to 2500′ not because of a determined safety risk, but because too many RCs are moving in. Hmm, and how does that not ring of intent? It’s quite odd that X number of RCs in NSB is fine, but 2X or X+50 or whatever all the sudden means schools need a larger buffer. How does the RC population level drive an “objective” measure such as a safety buffer? Good luck arguing that one, NSB.

Moving to NSB from where, i.e. in state with already tight restrictions pushing them to NSB or out of state? That’s an important fact to understand.

I wish the ACLU would call a spade a spade to say the truth: it’s election time vote rhetoric and not just to punish people.

This shows that while a list may be considered “administrative,” laws targeting those on the list are purely punitive.

Is there a corresponding increase in sex offenses being committed in NSB? That is a question that needs to be asked. We all know the answer, of course.

So they want to increase the zone from 1,000 to 2,500 feet. Well we all know that if they can’t get away with that and it stays at 1,000 feet then they will take “Step #2” and start installing a few benches, a tree and a teeter-totter in every available spot in the area and call them all “parks” which will decrease the areas in which a registrant may live legally. Grandfathered in – just give it time before that won’t matter either.

“Ragsdale said the laws deprive people “of their basic, fundamental and constitutional rights to live where they can afford to live.”

Which is exactly why I am going to Donate to FAC and ACSOL this weekend. I encourage everyone to consider throwing $50 or whatever you can spare to the cause as well.

Be a champion of Human Rights and help fight Fascism in the United States.

Which rancher advertises the worst of his flock world-wide and hopes to remain in business?
The bankrupted rancher. The prohibition of congressional use of ex post facto laws was ratified for many reasons none of which were about protecting criminality. Like the bill of rights it was meant to keep us whole. E Pluribus Unum.

Civil commit ment is incarceration but does happen by jury of peers. Galin has successfully won his case before.

Residency restrictions are punitive at any distance. The use unlawful therefore reflects abandonment of state authority and supremacy. This is why state courts null or good them if in excess of state law. This is a case for the column describing lawlessness promoted by SOR& SORNA. Inevitably the database & list is precisely to administrator affirmative restraint by machine use. As is the case with SBM, satellite bas ed monitoring,.