Living with 290: Jim Crow Redux

Being a registrant for the past 34 years because of a plea deal on a misdemeanor in California, I find it very disheartening to see such non-uniformity in the administration of justice with sex offenses. If I didn’t have a disabled wife to caretake for I would move to a state where there’s more leniency.

I live in Arizona where my city is one of two in the nation barring registrants from city-operated parks and facilities. They named this ordinance the “Safe Parks ordinance”. Granted, there are waivers available through the chief of police to get around the restriction, but trying to get a written request delivered to his office is another thing. I tried for the past five years to get a written waiver but somehow the mail seemed to never reach his desk. I can only speculate that some people in government don’t want to be bothered with registered sex offenders in their communities.

It turns out that this same police chief was suspended for seven days due to certain conflicts of interest by owning a security company. But that’s not as bad as having the arrogance to hold people’s constitutional rights in check as if they are a sovereign entity trashing legitimate claims to free movement around my town in which I have invested money in through home ownership. The Good Book is so right when it tells us about some unsavory characters in government. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places.” Yes, this can be troublesome, but I refuse to let ignorance win.

Rise up, stand up, and speak out to injustice. Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.

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Correction: Your town/city is one of only two in the State.
I know exactly about what and where you are talking. I have done a lot of research on this ordinance and appreciate that at least one other person is familiar with it.

I agree with you guys as for the extra time enforced upon people convicted of a sex offense. Now don’t gEt me wrong it’s some sick people out here that may deserve or require such stipulations but there are also many of us that Fall into that category unbeknownst to us. bcuz of some girl or her friends or family not happy with something you said to them and they just instagated you in some send his a** to jail type s#$& !!!!! Ya feel me. now you going back and forth to and from jail bcuz of a address. That’s just not right!!! well good luck with the movement guys

If you could leave your wife for a post office trip, may take long, I was in 85118 and that Co. didn’t like admissions. But getting to the P.O. and sending that Chief a Certified and tracking letter might make a difference. Jim Crow Redux. and have an AZ State Notary and remail AGAIN. It just might make the diff. you are seeking. GoodLuck