Approximately 7 million Californians — nearly one in three adults in California — have an arrest or conviction record. In this toolkit, you will find information about laws in California that protect job seekers with criminal records and sample letters and materials you can use to exercise those rights.
Literally thousands of formerly-incarcerated people around California, their family members, and a wide variety of social and racial justice organizations — most notably All of Us or None — worked together to pass the laws discussed in this guide and start a “Ban the Box” movement to fight the discrimination people face because of their arrest or conviction history.
The California Fair Chance Toolkit is produced by a legal aid group out of San Francisco. It is designed to help those with convictions in knowing their rights and the process for filing a complaint against an employer. It is a well-designed and all inclusive booklet.
Download the toolkit as a PDF: California Fair Chance Toolkit 11-2020
Or Read the toolkit on their website (scroll down and click Learn More)
Their website ( has a lot more to offer. Let others know about it if they are struggling with employment issues.