CA: Carpenters union sues over signs warning about sex offenders

[ – 3/4/21]

A carpenters union has filed a lawsuit alleging the city of Irvine has threatened it with criminal prosecution and fines for displaying banners questioning whether local neighborhoods are safe from sex offenders.

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This is dumb. I bet there are tons of “sex offenders” that work as carpenters, too. How is this “union” looking out for them?? Also, and most importantly, when can one move on from the past?

It seems in many respects, the political climate for the average sex offender has only gotten worse in the past two to three years. With the unknowns of the Tiered Registry Law, and how a bunch of sex offenders are being put in “to-be-determined,” or Tier Three, it just seems like an endless Hell. Over 100,000 sex offenders in California and about one million sex offenders in the United States. I bet a good amount of sex offenders simply want to move on with their lives.

The government and media helped create the hysteria and are to blame for the public’s outcry against those labeled sex offender. There are few other countries like this. And the countries that are sex offender shame maniacs are usually the tyrannical/fascist/communist/dictator types.

74 RPs in the city, and the city calls it one of the safest places to live. Hmmm…..I thought sex offenders were dangerous people? So if the city is a safe place to live, then why not abolish the registry since according to the city’s own words that these people are not dangerous.

This is one argument against public registries—they make cities and neighborhoods look bad. As the online registries took off in the early 00s, residency laws soon followed because, it turns out, people don’t want to live next to publicly labeled superfund sites. But now that residency restrictions are disappearing across the country, suburbs and upscale neighborhoods will be stuck with registrants they can’t legally move. We should thank this union for unintentionally reminding politicians that registries are just liabilities for their communities if they can’t dump all the registrants into poorer communities.

When I moved to Maryland my neighbor tried to get me to move. She told others about me even saying I had 4 cases against me. Hired a lawyer and shut her down. Funny at Christmas she has her house decorated, while I’m laughing to myself. She’s nothing but a holier than thou do gooder with the biggest wedgie shoved up her judgmental ass. These people need a sign on them, “I’m with stupid.”

And how exactly would this union solve the perceived problem of too many registrants in the neighborhood? What would they build to solve this problem? I’ve never read one single article where someone said “A sex offender is moving here – call the union!”

They’re just crying for attention, nothing more.

This is nuts! Its not uncommon for those with problems to focus on others? I guess murderers, gang members. Vehicular manslaughter or wife beaters are better. Clearly someone has a loose screw

I cannot help but enjoy the irony here! In order to protect its precious status as a “safe city” it has to likewise in some ways come to the defense of sex offenders living there. I can only imagine how much this hurts the city council to have to silence these people who want to shame RSOs.

Well, I guess the enemy of my enemy *is* my friend in this case.

First of all what the heck is a carpenter’s union doing making signs about anything in reference to sex offenders. I guess they have all the correct studies and statistics under their belt.

This is nothing but stupid!!

Just something to draw attention – attention to what I don’t know.

I work on Union jobs and work with carpenters every day most of them barely speak English and the ones that do are ex-convicts with gang tattoos they only did this because Orange County is a Republican county and they don’t like Unions so the carpenters and the electrical Union are constantly fighting with City’s in Orange County