IN: Annual Fee for Sex Offender Registration introduced in Vigo County

The Vigo County Council approved an ordinance establishing fees for sex offenders.

The ordinance will set a $50 annual fee for sex or violent offender registration and a $5 for each time a sex or violent offender registers an address change.

Vigo County Commissioner Chris Switzer says that Sheriff Plasse approached the County Commissioners with this idea last year. COVID-19 pushed it back a bit, but he says he’s happy the County was able to get this passed. Full Article

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Beyond belief!!! 😡🤬
(SOR too costly? Eliminate it!! 🤷🏻‍♂️)

I think the council needs a fee for each time they try to enforce an ordinance like this and $1000/ year they try to modern day Nazis.

These fines/fees are a pathetic amount of money but people should ALWAYS use them as motivation to continue to cost the criminal regimes, and especially law enforcement, as much as possible. In time, money, goodwill, peace, and other limited resources.

Have you tried to cost big government? I think most people find it is a lot easier than they thought. It is not that hard to cost them a lot. As long as big government and their Hit Lists exist, there must be chaos and dysfunction. In every area possible. Not just the Hit Lists.

You can do a lot without a lot of effort. But if you put just a little bit of effort into it, you can do so much. And if you can get your companies embedded in the big government money train, you can really cost them. There is plenty of money floating around, there is no reason to not take it.

For certain, let’s all work at defunding law enforcement. They have far, far too many resources. Obviously. Join groups that have that goal. Vote for it. There are tens of millions of people who are tired of big government, law enforcement criminals, and their crimes. Let’s hurt them.

I would think the cost in collecting and accounting for the money would make it not worth it. When government collects money, the accounting and auditing of the funds can be very tedious and costly. Especially if any funds come up missing.

Hey, this is only reasonable. After all, we can’t expect our Price Club membership to be free, can we? [sarcasm]

Gosh, those Hoosiers spare no expense to protect their children from dangerous predators.

When I lived in Indiana years ago, everytime I had to register, they asked for money and I told them I didn’t have any. Yes I had a job and could have paid it but I will NOT let them extort me for a 20+ year old conviction. Many people in Indiana are tier 3 which is lifetime registry abd they expect people to pay them for the rest of their lives? How is that not a punishment?

Likely a violation of vested rights and due process. Because this is a substantive law that adds a monetary duty that did not exist at the time of conviction it runs foul of due process (vested property rights) and is likely an ex post facto law. The law is clear, they cannot seize property without prior notice and hearing. In Utah the Courts have ruled that it is a violation of due process for the legislature to vitiate vested rights by passing legislation that adds a duty or changes rights beyond what existed at the time of the primary conduct (criminal or civil). See, State v Johnson (2012) and Michell v Roberts (2020). Make sure this new fee is challenged.

@Tim n WI, I am not going to say a word about your computer theory of mass destruction or even your understanding. So who gets the money or who pays the price? Can man justify man or all his or her affairs or why does it say dare go to court in front of the unjust. So who’s on fantisy Island today in this tug of war or who is bowing down to who in much of this conflict. Sure many of you all got onto me when I got into my ordeal but can we all justify our temptations.

And yes temptations will come. Even this sex registry ordinance is a vain flavor of out of focus encounters in much of thse endeavors. Enticing to justify who’s actions. Sounds a bit morbid.Even in a lot of this game type play is a bit unjust in prospective specks. If one studies the book of Daniel that may explain many things. Even these sex change operations are a bit much. So is America falling apart at the seams whether one is Christian or non-christian or who is hypocritical today. Yes the law agent that instigated this on me said he was a Christian.

One wonders are Christians suppose to do this to another with these offenses or should we all go back to the old way of sting em up and hang em high. Guess its a tell all game of who’s going to induce or seduce one in this persuasion type game.

“Sheriff Plasse says nearly every county in Indiana has a fee associated with sex offender registration. He says because Vigo County didn’t previously have a fee, many offenders were registering here from other counties. This was driving numbers up to about 200 registered sex offenders in the county.”

“The goal is to be in compliance and to have them pay that fee to hopefully reduce our numbers of ones that aren’t truly in Vigo County to get a more accurate depiction of how many we do have here.”

They are worried their numbers are going up yet can’t verify who actually live in that county???

Can the citizens of that county pay them 4998 and a half of a penny? See if it’s worth the extra cost. On the other hand they’ll probably hit you with failure to pay. How is this not punishment? Force people out of homes, jobs and society while asking them to pay for a system that isn’t worth the paper it was written on. Law Enforcement budgets are so bloated making Fat Albert look slim. How about asking the ones who wrote and sponsored these laws pay for it.

Sheriff Dum-asse can’t do address verification/ compliance checks?? I’m certain he’s receiving funds paying him to do those verifications!
For that matter, the registering agent isn’t sharp enough to say: #1- “Bowling Green, Indiana is in Clay County, not Vigo County, so get lost!” Or #2 – “If you are registering in a county in which you do not live, it is a violation of registration laws and you will be charged with a felony. Do you wish to proceed or do you wish to get out of here right now? Your choice.”
What a stupid, pathetic, lying excuse for this registration fee!! 😡

This guy has his email link on the Vigo webpage. Time to start sending him our thoughts, people. Make him sorry he ever screwed with our brothers and sisters.