Popular YouTuber caught by ‘Predator Poachers’ allegedly trying to meet with 13-year-old girl

[dailydot.com – 4/22/21]

When asked if he deserves to go to jail, YouTuber EDP445 responds, ‘If I’m being honest with you, I think so.’

A popular 30-year-old YouTuber is being accused of pedophilia after he was caught on camera allegedly trying to meet with a 13-year-old girl.

EatDatPussy445, or Bryant _______, with more than 2 million subscribers on YouTube, is known for being an avid Philadelphia Eagles fan and for his vulgar, funny vlogs. He is receiving backlash after footage of him meeting up with a minor in Bakersfield, California, was posted by YouTuber Chet Goldstein.

Goldstein is part of an activist group called Predator Poaches, which catches alleged predators who prey on underaged children online.

Goldstein and a team created a fake online profile under the name “Sophie” with her age clearly stated in her profile. “Sophie” messaged Bryant _______ first, and then he double-texted her after she didn’t respond for nine hours, according to screenshots of the messages.

According to the screenshots, the texts eventually became sexual, even after Bryant _______ allegedly became aware that Sophie is 13.

When he goes to allegedly meet Sophie in person, he finds three men with a camera instead.

In the video, Bryant _______ says he came out to pick up a cupcake from Sophie and was going to go back home right after. “There was nothing that was going to be sexual involved,” he says in the video. “I’m not like that.”

The men ask Bryant _______  if he thinks he deserves to go to jail, to which he responds, “If I’m being honest with you, I think so.”

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None of these people know the fire they are playing with. At the very minimum some of the messages between the YouTuber and the fake 13 year old raise to the level of extremely poor choice of words from all participants. The YouTuber certainly is not subtle, but the people behind the fake girl go much further along than they should too.

The poachers I’m sure have been warned by law enforcement to stop doing what they are doing. Let’s just say all it takes is messing with one wrong person and it is not possible to know in advance enough 100% of the time if someone is such a person. More importantly just like poachers can create fake profiles so can groups of others with ill intent and that’s even worse than dealing with an individual.

So they contacted the Youtuber first, they set him up, they made the scenario, they enticed him, and they are celebrating destroying his Youtube career and his life even though as far as we know the Youtuber NEVER touched anybody. Seems these creepy poachers are the deviant ones. Who would do that? You and your friends set up phony profiles online trying to lure people in and then ruin their lives. That is more messed up than what the Youtuber did.

After delving more into this story it has surfaced that some of these ‘PREDATOR POACHERS’ are just capitalizing this for monetary gain and that some of these individuals are real POS racists trolling BLM and the like. They are just as despicable as the people they chase.

I wonder if these keyboard warriors pretending to be minors are also against Cat Fishing scams. What will happen when they entice the wrong person or a cop? Will Goldstein saying he puts d in a 3 year old be looked at? Seems like he has more issues than the You Tuber.

How long you think before the feds arest this dude it’s been 4 or 5 days now I cant believe how bold this dude was just casually walking up to meet a 13 year old girl that was strange and abit creepy.
When it comes to these type of cases it’s the text messages for me this weird as dude literally tryd to threatened a 13 year old girl so I have no sympathy for this guy he’s worried about going to prison lilittle does he know prison is just beginning of ride.I hope law enforcement helps him get the treatment he needs.
Now far as these 3 lame az dudes the POACHERS man they pick and choose who to harass and set up I’ll bet a million dollars these guys ain’t running up on a 6ft 250 pound dude who works out everyday they would’ve got beat down and all the evidence and camera footage taken.
Thats why they picked a insecure fat dude who couldn’t even run let alone fight back their lucky he didn’t go to his car and grab a gun and start shooting like that dude from Florida who shot those 2 FBI agents after approaching his home to investigate CP allegation they better be careful.

Good luck 😬👌

I regularly watch a couple (of what’s actually an enormous amount of these “vigilante” Groups on You-Tube) sometimes, and am just amazed by the interactions, etc.
But what really spikes my hatred towards these Groups is the fact they only partake their scenarios towards sex-related matters (as opposed to other potential crimes).
Why? Because the ill-informed public Loves watching these videos ; which in turn, generates Money for them (because of the “Likes’ / ‘Subscribers” / amount of views, etc. Along with them asking for financial support to continue their mission. It’s a money- making thing. THEN……. plus the ones who advertise and sell Merchandise with their Group insignia, etc.

Easy Money

PS: And theirs always more to the conversations and interactions, such as making the individual “feel ashamed” if they don’t wanna meet (such as making comments referring to suicide, etc if the individual don’t want to come). So they sometimes “shame” the person into showing up.

Theirs always 2 sides to every story

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The guy doesn’t deserve to be in jail. He deserves to be getting real therapy so if he is attracted to minors he know what to do to avoid getting in these situations. By saying he deserves to be in jail he admits to knowing what he wanted to do is wrong and he feels ashamed of it. Going to prison and winding up on the registry isn’t going to lessen that shame, nor is the group therapy he’d get as a registrant.

But we don’t provide decent therapy for people who are attracted to minors so they don’t act on their impulses.

The vitamin D guy–that’s sick.

The set up was B.S. , and the people that did it are scum. But bottom line is this guy is a dip shit for even answering the text. Who chases a 13 yr old over the internet? Only an idiot.

Somebody REALLY needs to do a for-honest study into the psychology of the freakishly obsessive anti-pedo vigilantes who now permeate society. I would put money on the study concluding that we are witnessing, on a truly massive scale, the phenomenon of reaction formation, the tendency of a repressed wish or feeling to be expressed at a conscious level in a contrasting form. Throw in a massive dose of self-hatred and you got yourself a shrieking hell-banshee who coalesces with others to spread their terror.

This has been done before, of course, in the case of gays as targets of fag-bashers. The evidence was clear: the overwhelmingly common factor in attacks upon gays was that their attackers were deeply repressed homosexuals.

Now tell me that this isn’t the same.

Show me another crime that’s defined on the books having the words “think” or “believe” playing key roles. No, prostitution stings / drug stings / hitman stings don’t count—it’s illegal to pay any other person (including cops) for any of those things regardless of what you think or believe.

As post-punishment punishments get harsher and harsher for sex offenders, these types of games become more and more dangerous. I wish law enforcement would try to stop this stuff before some pervert ends up becoming a murderer instead.

If this guy had been armed and knowing what the potential outcome for the rest of his life looked like, there could easily be three dead vigilantes and then a suicide.

He REALLY should not have answered the initial contact.

These vigilantes have taken their craft to Words with Friends chat now too, or there are real minors trying to get banged… but I have had to report two “children” for sending me sexually explicit messages.