IL: ‘Predator hunter’ leader indicted after alleged sting operation to trap supposed sexual predators

[ – 5/28/21]

An Illinois man who created a Facebook group known to track potential sexual predators was charged in connection with a sting operation that went awry in early January, prosecutors said Monday.

Kyle Swanson, 30, was indicted on a charge of unlawful restraint, obstruction of justice and assault in connection with his involvement with the KTS Predators Hunter Organization, according to court records. For more than two years, the vigilante group has posed as children on social media, tricked men into meeting up at public spaces in Illinois and uploaded YouTube videos of them confronting the supposed pedophiles.

During a Jan. 12 incident, prosecutors alleged that Swanson “enticed” a man into his car under a false pretense, refused to let him exit the vehicle and threatened to hit him, the charging document said. Because of Swanson, prosecutors alleged that the man deleted evidence of a crime from his phone.

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It’s against GoFundMe TOS to set up campaigns for legal fees. Report it to get it taken down. Let this guy figure out on his own how to pay his fees.

Praying on people for clout and YouTube views now he’s changed with unlawful restraint, obstruction of justice and assault.
All the that YouTube money he made off enticing people on the internet is now being spent in court fighting for his life.
I don’t think this guy will get any jail time if found guilty the DA office will most likely offer him probation to make an example out of him and let these vigilante YouTubers know not interfere with Law Enforcement’s bred and butter creating (SEXOFFENDERS).

Good luck 😡

Well, that is good news. I’m sick of these self righteous vigilantes. How many children have been shot by the result of gang violence? If these tough guys care so much for justice go do some stings on the gang members that keep killing kids. Or how about drug dealers. Many of the outlaw motorcycle gangs are distributing drugs that claim the lives of dozens of children every day, so come on tough guys, go set up a bogus meeting with them and get some evidence on video to turn over to the police. These vigilantes hide on the computer and pretend to be kids They entrap people. They entice them, lure them in. They are predators themselves.


Last edited 3 years ago by AERO1

It often takes time, but Karma does eventually come around!

He’s lucky it wasn’t a shotgun to the face that put this wanna-be-cop-but-couldn’t-pass-the-physical out of action.

My prayer is that Swanson gets convicted and thrown in prison. He’ll be the poster boy of what happens to vigilantes.

I’ve been following this case and this guy proves how dangerous broadcasts, like the Sex offender registry, are. It is not a coincidence that the people so commonly use the information data to do harm. Why should the not? Those who are misusing the database for their own personal gain are in reality, following their leadership as promulgated from the 1994 OMNIBUS that created the first electronic domestic surveillance system commonly known as sex offender registries. Fact is immediately upon the birth of the internet our damn poor and nasty leadership chose to utilize the new database driven infrastructure to engage ad hominen public attacks upon the people’s character without process!!!

Today Congress itself is under attack.

I know nothing of how gofundme works, but why did Kyle Swanson designate Angel Sewell as the beneficiary at gofundme when Kyle Swanson could designate the money to himself? That’s where it’s really going anyway, isn’t it? His gofundme page does not say who Angel Sewell is.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ditto

I sure hope the people in FL ( are paying attention.

Looks like he’s closing shop:

“Swanson, a U.S. Army combat veteran, said last month that legal problems have worsened his post-traumatic stress disorder.”

‘Predator hunter’ moves to dissolve organization and fight charges in Madison County | State and Regional |