New Bureau of Justice Statistics Study: 9:10 sexual assault victimizations were committed by someone the victim knew

Sources: 8/10/21

A new study put out by the Federal Bureau of Justice Statistics, the United States’ primary source for criminal justice statistics, supports that notion that more than 9 out of 10 sexual assaults are committed by someone known to the victim.

The study aggregates data from law enforcement in 20 states, as reported to the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) in 2019.

Contrary to “stranger danger”, the myth that is the basis for most sex offender registration schemes, the study finds that the overwhelming majority of sexual offenses are committed by someone known to the victim. In case you want to cite to the government’s own latest data on this statistic, you can refer to the citation below.

Click here to read the full article on the FAC website

Click here to read the website article


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At what point does everyone accept this information as fact and stop re doing these wasted studies. This stuff was proven 30 yrs ago. I guess they figure if they do it enough times they will get different results.

Time for these studies to land on Congress member’s laps, state lawmakers craniums, courthouses, and law enforcement. Wake up and smell the coffee your registry is punishment!!

Brandon theirs an old saying you staudy long you study wrong or did you enjoy the movie “One flew over the Kookoo’s nest. And I thought Nickelson was “Here’s Jonny. Talk about idle minds.

Proximity does play a role in all interpersonal interaction, good or bad. Incarceration severely limits proximity and so do sex offender databases. Obviously, that was always the people’s true intent behind each. But something else was afoot making it necessary for the majority to overlook the glaring presence of plain ex post language being applied to those already convicted of well established and enumerated crimes. That something else was “the database” and the infinite uses thereof, and in particular “government use thereof.” The latter being the most relevant with concern of constitutional right.

The problem with trying to use these statistics is that under Rational Basis Review, it doesn’t matter. As long as the government–or judge!–can come up with a single instance, real or imagined, where a registry could work, it’s deemed a valid law. The amount of “bycatch” is irrelevant.

Here is another report with ammunition for every argument. I can’t find the date, but it works anyway.

Efficacy and Constitutionality of Sex Offender Legislation – At What Price Perceived Safety?

Yep it’s all about public opinion if the public new that their fathers, son’s, grandsons, husbands, and nephews were under attack by the federal government SORNA they’d think twice about supporting the registry.
Megan’s Law website is a disgusting evil living creature it’s constantly consuming souls and destroying lives without prejudice.
The public thinks Megan’s law is here to protect them they dont know that their whole entire family is one mistake away from being devoured by it

Good luck

If one adjusts for population of the states listed in the report, the figure is just over 92%. This is in line with what organizations like ACSOL have been reporting for years. When I’ve mentioned such figures to some, the inevitable question was, “Well what about the 70% or unreported assaults.” If anyone knows how it is determined that 70% of assaults are unreported when they are unreported, please inform me and the rest of us.

Professor Ellman has pointed out that there is no evidence to suggest the ratio of known to unknown assailants would change just because assaults went unreported. My intuition (a dangerous thing) tells me that if anything, the ratio would skew toward underreporting of known assailants. This reluctance is precisely because the assailants had some connection with the victim, e.g. family members, teachers, clergy, etc. But even without this speculation, the official 92% figure provides a bit more heft to anti-registration arguments. (Not that anybody will listen.)


When they state it as “9 out of 10,” that makes it 10% of all incidents are by strangers, are stranger abductions. But from another report from this same place, from the late 1990s, it actually is only on average two incidents per state per year of child abduction by a stranger. That average number has not changed (expecially has not increased) since the 1960s.That twoper state will come out to a lot less than 10%, Having presented it as 9 out of 10, meaning 1 in 10 are stranger abductions, is intentional language and would come under the old saying: Liars figure and figures lie.