Indecent exposure charges filed against trans woman over L.A. spa incident

Prosecutors filed multiple counts of indecent exposure this week against a transgender woman whose alleged conduct was at the center of a viral video that sparked a pair of violent protests outside a spa in Westlake this summer, officials said Thursday.

______ Merager was charged Monday with five counts of indecent exposure, relating to an incident inside the Wi Spa on June 23, according to a news release issued by the Los Angeles Police Department. The next day, a viral video emerged alleging a customer had exposed their penis in front of people inside the Wi Spa.

The Los Angeles County district attorney’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment or provide a copy of the criminal complaint against Merager, whom police described as a 52-year-old Riverside County resident.

Attempts to contact Merager were not immediately successful, though she denied all wrongdoing in an interview with the New York Post, which first reported the charges Thursday morning. Merager told the tabloid she is legally female and claimed that those making complaints to police were engaging in transphobic harassment.

An arrest warrant has been issued, but Merager was not in custody as of Thursday afternoon, according to the LAPD.

Police said she has a criminal history. Merager has been a person listed on the sex offense registry since 2006 as a result of convictions for indecent exposure in 2002 and 2003, according to the LAPD.

Indecent exposure can be filed as a felony or misdemeanor under California law, but Merager’s prior conviction led prosecutors to bring felony charges against her this week, according to a person with knowledge of the case who requested anonymity to discuss the matter candidly.

Merager is awaiting trial on seven counts of indecent exposure that were first filed in 2019, according to court records.

After the video alleging someone exposed themselves went viral…

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Can we even compare “indecent exposure” and not point at the database driven infrastructure? How many actually got a peek at he\she’s willy? ( # victims) Was a Willy the issue? Hard to figure without \more context. Maybe there is a vid from real-time. Online indecent exposure is of the charts. Naturally that depends on definition. Never underestimate the flexibility nor capacity of a human orifice. Thanks internet!


“Merager told the tabloid she is legally female…” that has a massive unit to strut around nude with to provoke a response and attempt to satisfy deep psychological issues.

As much as the rulers of this upside down bizarro 🤡 world want me to buy into their New Think that 2 + 2 = 5, I’m sticking to my guns: 2 + 2 still equals 4, men are not women and women are not men.

I’m very confused about this. Is this a man who had sex change surgery into a “woman” but kept the penis? Or is this a woman who had sex change surgery and gained a penis? Whatever the case, if you’re born a man, you cannot become a woman, and if born a woman, you cannot become a man no matter how much surgery you have. A man getting hormone shots, breast implants, and a vagina constructed is still a biological man, and a woman who has a penis constructed is still a biological woman because a person’s chromosomes can never be surgically changed. If the person in question was born female, but had surgery to gain a penis, then technically its not a penis because its created from skin and tissue taken from another part of a person’s body and there really is no crime. If the person was born male but had breast implants and hormone therapy, but kept the penis, then the person is still a male.
This day and age really confuses me. I don’t care what anyone does with their own body, but I refuse to acknowledge a male as a female or a female as a male, or an intact male who “identifies” as a woman, of an intact female who identifies as a male. If you were born with a penis, you’re a man, and if you were born with a vagina, ovaries, and a uterus, you’re a female, plain and simple. Say what you want, but I’m not homophobic. I have a gay friend and 2 lesbian friends and they’re the coolest people you would ever want to meet.
I’m just confused about this article.

Even though this person was a registered sex offender the LGBTQ community didn’t care they still showed up to support one of their transgender brothers and sisters.
It’s so obvious that someone saw his charges on Megan’s law and because he was in the women’s private area undressing they said he was doing it for sexual gratification and I bet this person’s prior convictions was for the same thing using or changeing clothes in women’s private areas like bathrooms etc.
I wish the 104.000 people forced to register in California would show up and protest against the registry like theses brave people from the LGBTQ community did instead of hiding in the shadows waiting on Attorney’s from the ACSOL rescue team to burst through the door and save them from this wide awake nightmare.

Good luck