FL: Homeless sex offenders arrested in December released, illustrates systemic issue, attorney says

Source: floridatoday.com 3/8/22

Seven Brevard sex offenders arrested in December after their homeless camp was shutdown, were released from jail in January and February and their charges dismissed, court records show.

They’ve all returned to the community but have lost their jobs and belongings. They are being housed in a Brevard hotel, according to the Florida sex offender registry.

The men previously lived in a homeless camp set up on vacant, private land at 4820 U.S. 192 near Melbourne. Their GPS monitors and ankle bracelets were registered to the camp, requiring them to return there by a set curfew.

When the homeless camp was shut down in December, six offenders were arrested on charges of violating probation. One man faced a charge of violating parole. They could no longer return to their registered address without risking receiving a trespassing charge.

Five men’s charges were dismissed in January, and one was dismissed Feb. 1, according to Jessica Travis, an attorney with DefendBrevard.com.

The man charged with parole violation was transferred from the county jail to state prison on Jan. 27, then released Feb. 24, Travis said.

The day before his release, the Florida Commission on Offender Review found him not guilty of violating the conditions given by his Conditional Release Officer or the Commission, according to Angela Meredith, communication director with the Florida Commission on Offender Review.

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BS man. Our Fking country is one of the worst countries in the world unless you are financially secure in life. we are the most barbaric, corrupt and inhume society of any country to our poor and criminals. Disgusted to even be an American anymore with our current gov. We get nuked it is going to be because of collective karma for the atrocities committed on our countries own citizens and the NATO countries that believe they are god and and are the new world order. Although we poor convicts don’t deserve it, which is probably the majority of the citizens now days, and a minority of others do not deserve it our gov., and oligarchs of our society and of the supposedly civilized free world deserve it.
I have empathy for the citizens of Ukraine that do not deserve what is happening to them. The fact is Putin and his actions are a by product of NATO and their collective actions, and we are going to have world war III unless by some miracle the new world order all of a sudden get a clue. God help all the moral people that are going to suffer why all these new era kings, barons and lords sit in their safe haven bubbles and play war games.
Just saying.

Wow. Floriduh (again). It HAS to be one of the most horrible states to live in, in the entire United States of America!

So let me understand this…prior to their arrest, they at least had something. A few belongings and such. And now that the charges have been rightfully dropped and they’ve been released, they have NOTHING.
How long is their time in the hotel being paid for? A month? A week? What happens when the State or whoever is paying for their housing stops paying? Who is going to help them then? And what about jobs? Is anything being done to help these guys find decent employment?
So many questions left unanswered.

It’s a shame that these guys likely will not appropriately retaliate for this.

So, how many more examples do we need to gather to overturn Smith vs Doe and PROVE that the registry IS punishment? So much has changed since 2003, so many more restrictions, regulations, punishment have been added to the “then” case, stating that providing one’s address once a year is merely regulatory.

Yes, charges dropped, but they lost their jobs. What bs.

Let’s consider “disparity in accountability”. Should registered citizens neglect to “cross a T, or dot an I”, we all know that we citizens would be held accountable and most likely lose our freedom (and in this case gainful employment, personal belongings, and ‘shelter’, etc). 

On the other hand, should some corrupt politician, police chief/task force captain, and/or prosecutor seeking personal gain, proceed to needlessly and without any justification whatsoever target registered citizens with their Gestapo (not ‘gazpacho’) tactics, causing significant harm to registered citizens, no accountability exists whatsoever. And we can all envision these thugs sitting back and laughing amongst themselves, patting themselves on the back, confident in their piousness and moral superiority.

In a perfect world, accountability for these acts would be pursued through the courts. In a perfect world, all registered citizens would be granted “class” status, allowing relief from these egregious acts by way of a “class-action lawsuit”. I would argue that there was a conspiracy to intentionally violate the rights of these citizens based upon their status, and not because there was any violation of regulations, conditions, or requirements. (This is reflected in the fact that they have all been released and all charges dropped). Should such a perfect world exist, there would then be grounds to argue that those thugs who had conspired to violate registered citizens’ constitutionally protected rights have committed HATE crimes (read: Federal offense).

Where are the useless twats of the ACLU when you need them?