UK: Man who complained about living next door to paedophile jailed for being a paedophile

Source: 4/12/22

A man who once complained about living next door to a convicted paedophile has been jailed – for being a paedophile.

Darren ____, 53, once complained to his local newspaper that he was furious his housing association didn’t tell him his neighbour was a sex offender. But he is now behind bars for subjecting a child to a series of sordid sexual abuse from the age of seven until she was around 11.

The abuse ranged from kissing and touching the child to forcing her to perform sex acts on him on more than one occasion. His sick offending came to light when he was spotted with the victim, prosecutor David Watson told Liverpool Crown Court.

Mr Watson said the person who saw them felt like something “wasn’t right” so contacted social services. The victim later told her mum that she’d been sexually abused by Darren for “ages”.

The child told the police how Darren , a self-employed musician, used to kiss her and put his penis on her and recalled on one occasion how he had touched her. She also told them how he asked her not to tell anyone about the abuse as it would mean he would be sent to prison.

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Hypocrite of the year award!

Let’s all remember this story when we are tempted to compare ourselves to other registrants, especially when we think what they did unredeemable but that our own crime is not as bad so we should have a second chance.


Those who shout the loudest, have the most to hide. They do this because they are ashamed, and are trying to deflect any possible suspicion away from themselves.

I read recently 1 in 5 UK prisoners are there for sex offenses. It cannot be understated how widespread sex offending is, and how many men casting aspersions against us have transgressed in similar ways to us. Lately I just assume the more stridently a man impugns sex
offenders, the more he has to hide. (For women, it’s a bit more complicated.)

My gripe is the headline. I don’t think he was jailed for being a pedophile. He was jailed for committing sexual acts with a child.

I know being a pedophile in the US is not a crime. Is it a crime in the UK? How would they prove it? Show him some illegal images and see if there is a reaction? Charge him with improper reaction to the viewing of illegal images? Don’t think that would fly in the UK; maybe in some other countries?

if this guy moved next to me i would call on him for looking creepy, i would care less what he is

Classic closeted self-hater. =)

Many years ago, there was a woman was very active against sex crimes and offenders. She died and had no family; therefore, members of her church went to her house to clean it and they found large amount of CP.