VA: Chiropractor accused of sex crimes against patients will be allowed to attend son’s graduation

Source: 5/16/22

RICHMOND, Va. — A chiropractor accused of sexually assaulting multiple patients went before a judge Monday morning for what was supposed to be a plea agreement hearing, but instead his attorneys asked that the hearing be pushed back so he can attend his son’s high school graduation.

Dr. Michael ____ entered an Alford plea that will take affect June 10. Part of that plea requires him to register as a sex offender.

Because of that, he would not have been allowed on school property for his son’s graduation from Veritas School on Brook Road on June 3 if the plea were accepted on Monday.

During Monday morning’s hearing, the judge also agreed to amend Dr. Michael’s house arrest on the day of his son’s graduation so he can attend festivities from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.

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I do not know about much, but I know a chiropractor is paid to put his hands on people. I’ve hired him them myself. No the fact doesn’t act as a defense for sex assault, but its still a fact. In such cases in WI “male arousal” is one of the defining terms of the crime. And if a strait man is putting hands on women his arousal is always going to eventually manifest. This is his reason for the alford plea. He simply knows the jury will convict because they know….he’s a man. For those unfamiliar with the term “Alford plea” here’s a link to a Michigan YouTube lawyer Steve Lehto. [lehto’slaw]

These women cannot deny knowing this fact… He’s a man. Yes these “victims” had an expectation of professional service which naturally doesn’t involve attack in any form. But IMO confrontation of the man was necessary by these “victims” in the moment! This could suffice as justice, but hey being a victim is profitable. These women could have used a female chiropractor especially if they are over sensitive to being handled. If they’re that sensitive they should have known better. Here’s a woman’s perspective. Reasons why men are going there own way.

Call me old-fashioned, but I still think that we get to enjoy whatever private thoughts enter our heads so long as we don’t make it someone else’s problem. I see this as falling under the sanctity of private conscience and no one else’s business. Our thoughts are our own.

If the information in the article is correct, he misused his patient’s trust in him to take inappropriate liberties that had nothing to do with his job. Even a Chiropractic examination would never entail that kind of contact.
His actions put other health care professionals under scrutiny. For this I feel it is right for him to permanently lose his license.
On a side note, I have requested a hearing to re instate my license to practice Physical Therapy and my request has been granted. I am told if approved it will be a provisional re instatement. Basically I’ll be on a type of probation. Fine by me, though. Just looking for the opportunity to show I am not a “risk” as they put it.

Excuse me Mr. J.Q. Public I will forgive you. Yes their is a type of oath in any medical profession call it a medical or Hippocratic oath. Some medical students sign an agreement or pledge that they will be non bias and help those that are injured whether back pains or other medical issues. Yes many counsel just like Janice counsels and are fair in their judgements or do people have the right to change doctors. While one has to take a lot on Janices’ form with a grain of salt are we still living back in Roman Government days?
Course I am glad you may have a chance of getting your license back and after its all said and done should we all look for a silver lining to every dark cloud today. As far as TV I gave up on Madlock when I found out he was in no time for Sargent. Even the bible says forgiveness is bless. And yes any public servants should take an oath or pledge in a medical profession of one’s profession.