At least 181 K-12 educators charged with child sex crimes in first half of 2022

Source: 7/20/22

140 of the arrests, or 77%, involved alleged sex crimes against students

At least 181 K-12 educators, including four principals, were arrested on child sex-related crimes in the U.S. in the first six months of 2022, ranging from child pornography to raping students.

An analysis conducted by Fox News Digital looked at local news stories week by week featuring arrests of principals, teachers, substitute teachers and teachers’ aides on child sex-related crimes in school districts across the country. Arrests that weren’t publicized were not counted in the analysis, meaning the true number may well be higher.

The analysis found that at least 181 have been arrested between January 1 and June 30, which works out to exactly an arrest a day on average. 

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I guess the registry diid not prevent this from happening.

Another fine example of how the Registry does not work to protect the community from sexual predators.

My question is, how many were on the registry?

People in a position of trust again who are in the >95% and not on the registry…

OMG, Nancy Grace and FoxNews, what a fair and balanced combination! Is this a pervert pandemic? How many principles, teachers, substitute teachers and their aids are there in the country? How many of the accused are actually guilty as charged?

There are over 4,492,114 teachers currently employed in the United States.

181 is 0.0040292833173869% of 4492114

If only Covid was that safe.

What about janitors, food staff, on-campus cops? No, this is an attack mostly on the teacher’s union.

Thank god Fox News is there to report on the mass epidemic of satan worshipping child molesters that are being hired by democrats and allowed to run rampant through our schools, absconding with their prey.

Why place something like this on a site committed to degrade the Registry??! And by a source known to provide misleading, if not outright dishonest, stories? Instead, one would expect MORE posts noting the clever manipulation of statistics authorities use to falsely justify the Registry as an instrument of “public safety.”

Great comments on this page, gj. My question is: with so many school teachers charged, how many of those are innocent of the crimes they are charged with. I hope our so called justice system will take special care to find this out. Imagine how easy it would be for a student that does not like their teacher to accuse them falsely. Look and see the news for social media being use by students against their teachers. If students can do things like this; why would it be too far fetched for them to make false accusations against them.

i don’t trust nobody, one time my 14yo daughter came home from school and told me her 24yo male teacher out of nowhere, would walk up and start touching her hair.
I gave he a call and ask him about The situation he immediately apologize and said he dose that all his students I told him respectfully please don’t ever put your hands on my child in any type away ever again, and that was that.
Of course my wife wasn’t as forgiving she met with the principal and had my daughters 5th period class switched.

stay focused

Matter of fact guys when I was in first grade lady educator turned out to be one of our neighbors when I was in junior hi and high school. Lived up the street from us although high school was a bit much when some gal planned a hitch hike buss event to D.C at that time. Hey i would of went but backed out at the last minute…. That was a time with a big clash in the late sixties to early seventies.
I can’t remember what t was all about but it had to do something with human rights if I’m not mistaken. That was when I lived in W.VA. and you also had the Kennedy scare also in that era.