FL: WESH 2 Investigates allegations of sex offenders being allowed to vote

Source: wesh.com 8/1/22

Morris ___ lives in Poinciana.

Elections office records indicate he’s “eligible to vote in Osceola County.”

His status is “active,” meaning he can vote next month and this November in Osceola County and in the 2020 general election, he did vote.

Morris is also a registered sex offender. Because of this, he should be ineligible to vote under Florida law.

WESH 2 checked online with the executive office of clemency, under Morris’s name and prison ID number. It confirms his civil rights have not been restored.

By phone, he said, “I don’t really remember registering to vote but maybe when I got a driver’s license. I don’t remember voting. I don’t really get involved in all that. My wife handles all that stuff.”

Morris is just the latest registered sex offender to be accused of illegal voting. Christopher Moye is charged with two counts of election fraud in Seminole County.

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Heaven forbid we have any rights.

It baffles me why ANYONE would want to live in that sh**hole of a state. You get a jaywalking ticket and you’re f****** for life there. The “holier than though” with which they approach every issue is nauseating. Yet it seems that the hypocrisy that is practiced among those making these laws goes unnoticed. no wonder Trump lives there!

Florida is ALWAYS proving itself the armpit state that it is by doubling down on their commitment to create second-class citizens for everyone to sh!t on. Exploited by politicians and local law enforcement for easy money and votes, harassed by the general public out of fear and hate, and forever branded as a pariah even after the Registrant has moved out of the state or died.

If it weren’t for ACSOL California would’ve been that way too. But it didn’t and thankfully Janice and her team will keep pushing back these oppressive restrictions. Thank you ACSOL!

Florida is one of the few places in the Western world that bars felons from voting even after being released prison. Look at this list.

Interestingly, or not, I completed my Juror Questionnaire yesterday evening and was immediately rejected as being…not competent to being a citizen with rights and obligations that I am willing to fulfill.

3 years ago, same questionnaire and I did Jury Duty…today I am ineligible. I am not quite sure what happened but the insults to our existence continue.

Best Wishes, James I

Last edited 2 years ago by James I

Now this is real voter suppression. If a person completes their sentence and fullfills the obligations imposed on them by the court then they should be allowed to vote.Voters are supposed to be a cross section of society, and people who make poor judgement on occasion are part of that society. It is bad enough firearms rights are taken away for a non violent offense, but voting rights is clearly unconstitutional.

All “people” who think Registries should exist are a mortal enemy of free people. I’m doing what I can to lower the quality of their lives. It is a lot.

I guess everyone wants to burn Amerika to the ground. Works for me. Better countries are rising as Amerika fails.

Its unacceptable that Florida bars someone with a felony from voting, while other states (Michigan included) have no problem with it.
One of two things need to be done here. Either let every legal US citizen in Florida vote, or stop collecting taxes from those that are barred. I think this practice falls under the no taxation without representation clause.
Maybe the dirty, corrupt politicians in Florida are afraid that PFRs would vote them out of office if given the right.
There once was a time when I dreamed of visiting Florida. I keep hearing more and more bad things about the state. I’ve never been there, but even if I wasn’t on the hit list today, I would NEVER travel there or give their tourism department one dime of my money.

Hmmm, perhaps registrants can’t vote BUT they can campaign for compassionate or at least less punitive candidates. Well, I have and so can you…

Who is this jackass Dudley Doright (Mark Glaeser, a data researcher) who feels like it’s his job to chase down potential Registrant voter fraud by people who have already paid their debts to society and should be eligible to vote in every election!
Must it be said again?