KS: Judge tosses out sex offender’s lawsuit against Kansas sheriff

Source: fourstateshomepage.com 12/7/22

A convicted sex offender’s lawsuit against a Kansas sheriff for ruining his “good reputation” was dismissed by a federal judge.  

Kirk ____, of Grove, Okla. filed the federal lawsuit against Danny Smith, Crawford County Sheriff, and Lisa Luskar, Crawford County Court Clerk, alleging that they caused false statements to be made on Facebook about him, harming his reputation and causing him emotional distress.

United States District Judge Julie A. Robinson dismissed ____’s lawsuit without prejudice, meaning he can refile his lawsuit later. Her ruling centered on ____’s failure to respond to Smith and Luskar’s motion to dismiss.

____ filed a $1 million civil lawsuit after Smith’s office posted statements in August on a social media site. He was wanted for questioning by the Crawford County, Kansas Sheriff’s Office for enticing or luring children with candy.

Smith’s post referenced ____, who was wearing only underwear and a shirt, and was observed driving a white convertible Corvette had contacted several male juveniles at a Cherokee, Kansas park allegedly offering them large bags of candy in exchange for the children telling him their home addresses. ____allegedly drove by the address provided by one of the boys three days later in the same vehicle and was confronted by a neighbor, at which point he fled.

The social media post included Owen’s name, photograph and photograph of his car.

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Based on just the article, I don’t see a problem with the dismissal. The guy wasn’t mistakenly called out.

I remember this story. Bags of candy…”Good role model”…yeah.

Ok, this guy…if I got to chose a PFR to sue a Sheriff, it wouldn’t be this guy. It would seem that his behavior has not changed since his conviction. If you’re a PFR, don’t go down to the park a distribute candy to kids…FOR ANY REASON! In fact, NOBODY, should be down at the park distributing candy to kids in exchange for their addresses…or for any other reason.

He didn’t respond to the motion to dismiss in time. You drop the ball, you don’t get to whine about the results. So now I have even less sympathy for this.

Side note: Find the parents of the kids that accepted the candy for address deal from this guy. They are failing to prepare there children for living in the real world. That needs to be addressed.

I hope this fellow will get some helpful professional counseling. He seems to be repeatedly and continuously putting himself at risk for very lengthy incarceration. Very sad, really. 😟
I’m hoping the best for him. 🙏🏻

This fool sued the wrong people. He could have put FB in the mix.
So many offenders complain about FB TOS when on balance they did you a favor because FB USERS got exploited well beyond their perception of it. Same for AOL users. When it comes to criminality the DDI has enabled far more crime than it has circumvented. In many ways the DDI has wrought aggrandizement for criminals and crimes.

The allegations in this article are very disturbing. I’m not going to disparage the guy, because everyone has a right to their day in court and are presumed innocent unless proven guilty, but if he’s guilty of the allegations, he needs a good long time out with very intense therapy. Unacceptable behavior if true, and a real danger.

People like that guy is the very reason why they keep making so many crazy laws. Yes, they want t o make more but sit and wait for the next guy whose already on the registry to go out and do something. They then lump everyone together as if everyone think like him…..

I find it hard to believe that todays kids would fall for such an offer with candy. Obviously parents and teachers haven’t tought the kids what to watch out for.

Sounds to me like this man’s bad reputation was self inflicted. Take responsibility and stop blaming others.

This guys is literally stranger danger. Like I thought people giving out “free candy” was one of those stories parents told to kids for no reason.

I don’t think I would take candy from a guy in his underwear driving a corvette, well I might if it were those chocolate marshmallow things or kinder eggs. Even then I would give a fake address

This guy has the time and the money to drive this town crazy.
This ain’t the last time they’ll be hearing from him