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Brandon Straka complains about being on a registry for his involvement in the January 6th attacks that make it feel like he’s on the sex offender registry. He complains about being charged with felonies, pleading down to misdemeanors, and then having to be publicly shamed for his charges. He complains about being banned from banking institutions. He complains that he’s done all of his sentence, he’s paid all his restitution, he feels he has served his time. And he has paid his debt to society, but he still feels like he’s being punished. Welcome to the terrordome! Listen to this interview, it’s very comical, when you think about the similarities.

Been warning the GP of this for years. They don’t have to put you in chains to keep you in a prison.

Serves the bastards right. You reap what you sow.

Maybe now people will get the fact that this IS punishment.

This is far different than the registry. This guy just has his public arrest record on the internet just like anyone that was arrested for a crime. Unfortunately this public information never gets deleted. In this case, the government isn’t saying he’s a monster that you should run from. He more likely was denied services or jobs because of his long term activism that half the country wouldn’t agree with.

I just posted the following in the Youtube comment section. I’ll be interested to see the reaction. If nothing else, any subsequent ‘discussion’ will reach an audience that likely does not read this ACSOL blog.

“Brandon just made the same argument that those on the sex offense registry have made for years. A mistake was made, sentences were served, but punishment continues for life. The sex offense registry exists ostensibly to increase public safety. Study after study have shown that is not the case, and that more than 95% of prior sex offenders never recidivate. Brandon listed a few of the hurdles faced every day by those on the sex offense registry. Not only that, their spouses and children are harmed through bullying, social ostracization, and a lack of housing and employment opportunities.”

“One may or may not agree with the J6ers’ political objectives. However everyone, including those with a prior sex offense, should be allowed to move beyond a single incident in their lives after the price has been paid.”  

P.S. The Department of Justice (DOJ) did not create a J6er registry. A Google search for Brandon leads to a routine DOJ release of a person’s federal ‘RAP’ sheet (Record of Arrests and Prosecutions).

Despite what that little piss ant Tucker Carlson says, the January 6th registry is not the same as state “sex offender” registries. In fact, the January 6th registry is like a badge of honor to a great chunk of the American populace. Unfortunately, that’s where were at in this country. Now Brandon, you may be blacklisted for now by some employers, but come on! The job offers will start rolling in from people who are sympathetic to your cause. My first thought is that of a right-wing media consultant. You’ll be able to moan and bitch all you want, and get paid a handsome salary for showing your face an hour or two a day. You’ll probably be making more money than before the guvmint put you on their blacklist. Plus you can always stay with Tucker. He’ll give you a place to crash at his house

we need more registries and more public shaming, i wounder if facebook is going to kick him off

I just left a comment as well on the site. As Ed C points out. It leads to his record. Give EdC a thumbs up and mine too, if you like it. Whatever your view of Jan6 is, it sure is showing many a new look at our criminal injustice system.

Who didn’t recognize the inevitable expansion of database driven black lists? The Rehnquist Court’s Catholic majority. Being banned or barred by an available .gov list is quite different from being endlessly enslaved to a database’s upkeep, nevertheless each perform affirmative restraint on liberty. I watched Senate testimony describing fed Leo influence on social media accounts by specific entrance to firms databases available only to fed actors. I’ve heard other Senate testimony of a FBI list of patents complaining vehemently about education of their children at school boards meetings. What all of these thing show is the closeness to child rearing federal powers have and the undue oversight. Jan6ers would have done more with a call for General Stike, but chose instead the typical American way.

Boo hoo boo hoo. I don’t see them fighting for our rights. Tucker Carlson likes it when our rights are taken away, but not theirs. He and others should get over it and suck it up butter cup.

Trying really hard to shed a tear for him, but just can’t do it. 😎

I guess it went from “stop the steal” to “stop the registry” real quick like, huh?

One of the alarming aspects of political party divisions is that they create a rift between people, rather than unite them through basic, human principles. And now we see the culmination of the effort of over 100 years of such. Ever since Smith v Doe, I’ve maintained that the Constitution has been breached in the conduct of such actions by a government, and more importantly to our cause, that the sex offender registry would provide the basis for the government classifying every citizen into their own control groups to strip them of humanity.

Say what you will about the J6 defendents: Hideous Trump supporting white supremacists, or American Freedom fighters (same thing in many people’s eyes): the control that the government has over people is not just frightening, but is life-threatening to our families and (physical) communities.

Get past the biases of either political extreme, and understand that I fight the registry not just because of the obvious, immediate real-world consequences of individuals that rival (but not equal) the repression than Black individuals under Jim Crow laws, and now that the registry structure has been deemed “successful” in the government’s eyes as to dividing and controlling people.

This is why I’ve been on top of getting rid of the registry, and trying to get people who normally would LOVE the idea of registrants being oppressed by their lack, or outright negation, of residential, educational, spiritual, and economical opportunities. But the old Wehrmact era’s prose comes back to haunt the poulace:

“First, they came for the sex offenders…”