OH: Tech makes registering sex offenders easier

Source: thecourier.com 2/19/23

FREMONT — All 88 county sheriffs have been provided with new cameras to improve the registration process of convicted sexual offenders, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost announced Friday.

“Ohio’s sex offender registration system plays a critical role in holding convicted offenders accountable, and, in the hands our county sheriffs, these tools ensure that photographs are clear and uniform across the state,” Yost said. “Our job is to support local law enforcement, and that’s exactly what we’re doing with this grant.”

In 59 counties, sheriff’s offices that requested new computers also will be receiving new machines to process registrations of sex offenders.

The hardware is backed by new software improvements and customization capabilities made to the Sex Offender Registry Notification system, which law enforcement accesses through the attorney general’s Bureau of Criminal Investigation.

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$384,000 spent preventing nothing. For every dollar they spend preventing nothing they should have to match it in education and rehabilitation efforts.

So let’s see of all the money in the 88 counties, that comes out to $4,367 per county sheriff. Those must be some really nice cameras. Just more wasteful spending. Couldn’t use that money for preventive measures? No that would be too easy. Also it states that it holds sex offenders accountable? I’m done with my sentence, what are you holding me accountable for? Oh that’s right, punishment.

What a waste of taxpayer’s money. To “ensure that photographs are clear and uniform across the state”. Wow. Here in Michigan they use your driver’s license photo for that, which is taken from the Secretary of State. Its the same type of photograph, with the same background and quality for everyone.
If I were an Ohio taxpayer I would be screaming.

And mug shots in general since they’re the same system but you don’t always get money to upgrade that system because it’s not as sexy in the papers or in Columbus.

“Ohio’s sex offender registration system plays a critical role in holding convicted offenders accountable….”

Hmmmmm. I thought that the purpose of the registry was to increase public safety. Isn’t holding someone accountable for a crime the role of a judge and not a county sheriff?

Hmmm….. 88 police/sheriff departments × Kodak pixpro wpz2 digital camera yellow ($150-$200 retail) = $13,200 to $17,600. 🙄😒

So newsworthy.🚽🙁
What’s our next earth-shaking headline…. they all get new photocopiers?? Inkjet printers? Valid driver’s licenses? 🙄😒

“…(registries) plays a critical role in holding convicted offenders accountable”

This statement reflects the set-in-concrete belief that ALL sex offenders seek to gain anonymity so as to commit further sex-based offenses, and if not for a ‘registry’, they would certainly be running amok in every corner of our country doing just that.

Such beliefs ignore empirical evidence (e.g., recidivism rates, etc.) and recent findings by CASOMB (that the registry is on the whole ineffective).

There is also an inference that government mandated “sex therapy” is ineffective and largely a waste of time, otherwise, why would all offenders be seeking to re-offend, as they so believe?

To these folks, whatever accountability was previously imposed upon offenders will never ever be enough. True, there are some stakeholders who are in it for the money, but there are, in my experience, a greater number of “true believers”, who are in it for the vindictiveness and what I would call “moral vigilantism”

These sad criminal regimes, they just have to keep up the charade to keep fleecing the dumb taxpayers. They are nothing but thieves.

I don’t really care what these criminals do or try. None of them are going to be holding me accoutable. Any time that I like I make their Registries worthless and worse.

Who doubts that these criminals need to be de-funded? Who doubts that these governments are far, far, far too big and completely out of control? We all must be voting for people who actually believe in small government. Not the liars that only say that they do. But people who will act. The big government lovers must be ended.

Sic semper tyrannis

No end to these lawless LE/gov’t rip offs , they act as if the registry and their importance are like needing a shovel to dig a fox hole, rather than helping people have a roof and dignity , PFR’s are just tools used to make control freaks more powerful cowards ! with forever growing pay checks .

Probably could just use an iPhone

Oh look! More of same silliness!:

Sex Offender Registry Technology
Updated Around the State Mercer County Outlook

Oh yes, I certainly did respond to the OH AG’s Tweet post!

Okay is this for none sex offenders or sex offenders and families? I’m looking for support!

I think this sex offence is really getting out of hand. When I here “sex offender” I think of some who has actually hurt someone not a officer sitting behind a desk and trapping people to screw up, people are not all dangerous and that label itself puts people in harms way. Suppose to be cutting down on crime not creating more crime and harassment. I don’t know what the law is thinking when when it comes to that label. There are real criminals out there and they want to pussy foot around behind a desk. Children are being taking off the street and being sex trafficked and they think this is going to help. What freaking idiots do we have running this country. Just saying

I got my son a job were I work this week. Not good pay but I talked to my HR and they said they do not discimate against offenders, so I felt a little relieved as far as that goes.

Has anyone had their vehicle taken from and the courts have it destroyed because you used it in this felony?