CO: Allegedly murderous stepmom tried to pin stepson’s disappearance on wanted sex offender

Source: 4/19/23

An FBI special agent testified on Wednesday that an allegedly murderous stepmother tried to pin her stepson’s disappearance on a wanted sex offender, whose unrelated case was publicized in local news. In truth, however, there was no indication that this man, Quincy ____, had anything to do with victim Gannon Stauch, 11, going missing on Jan. 27, 2020, said FBI Special Agent Amber Cronan.

Prosecutors in Colorado Springs, Colorado, point the finger at the child’s stepmother, Letecia Stauch, 39, who they say stabbed Gannon 18 times, shot him in the head once (missing twice), cleaned up the crime scene, and moved his body in a suitcase to Pensacola, Florida, where she pushed the remains over a bridge railing. Gannon’s disappearance, which happened while his father Al Stauch was out of town for National Guard work, sparked a search lasting until bridge workers encountered the suitcase — and remains — on March 17, 2020.

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Well, isn’t this pleasant?   If we’re not targeted by vigilantes, then were blamed for crimes we had nothing to do with. 

I remember this evil stepmother killing this beautiful child. Pretty sickening if you ask me. Then she wants to blame it on the neighborhood “sex offender.” If found guilty, which she will, this heartless woman should be locked up for life in the supermax they have in Colorado. Maybe she can pen pal with Chris Watts who killed and stuffed his children in some oil barrels at his suburban Denver work site

It’s good to see the local cops, and the FBI are so well funded they have plenty of time to engage in wild PFR goose chases…all while giving the real culprit plenty of extra time to dispose of evidence and get their story straight.

Doesn’t matter who actually did it, this remains true. If it isn’t the Step Mom, then it is even worse. However, all the cops have so many spare resources, it’s not a problem…nor will it be the next time somebody does this.

Obviously people will attempt to cover up their own crimes by diverting attention away from them to someone else. Try to buy some time to cover up, get rid of evidence, build a good alibi. Obviously, providing them with a list of local, “Usual suspects” will encourage them to do it…and make the attempt easier. So obviously, it’s going to happen again and again…forever.

So it’s great to know that the cops already have PLENTY enough time and resources to deal with this the unlimited number of times it will happen!

Let’s all try to remember how many spare resources they have the next time the cops whine for more money. They obviously have plenty enough already.

Just another blame it on the 👉🏻 black guy. That’s how the “Karen” phenomenon got started. This Karen got two for one. Black and PFR. That’s a double whammy! I’m sure there are those who still believe this pathological liar 🤥 because a “sweet” white motherly woman couldn’t have possibly murdered her innocent boy, but that black pfr might have done it. But it looks like the court’s not buying this wicked 👹 woman’s story. At least America has come that far.👍

Parents, step-parents and the mother’s boyfriend (or “boyfiend”) kill pretty consistently around 600 kids in their care in the U.S. every year. Unrelated “Sex offenders,” on the other hand, kill about two-or-three (not “100”) kids under eighteen in the U.S. every year. The oft-cited “100” or “120” figure, while statistically very low, is not based on credible data but emerged from the mind of David Finklehore, one of the pioneering architects of sex hysteria in the 80s. The real figures are much lower than even that.

Those attracted to kids are far less likely to kill those to whom they are attracted than are heterosexuals attracted to adults who kill those to whom they are attracted.

Sometimes, you just have to call scapegoating for what it really is.

Last edited 1 year ago by Notorious D.I.K.

About 1 to 2 times a year I get questioned for crimes that happen in a 10 mile radius from where I live.. not sure if law enforcement is just using Megan Law website to just round up the usual suspects… months later they find its someone not on the database..