WI: Glendale likely to challenge plan that would house sex offenders near child areas

Source: jsonline.com 12/7/24


The City of Glendale, Wisconsin is challenging a plan that would house two sex offenders in Milwaukee, right near Glendale’s border and near several places children often visit.

At the city’s Dec. 9 Common Council meeting, officials will vote on whether to approve a resolution that would seek the plan’s reversal.

The two offenders were both convicted in 1989, one for first-degree sexual assault and the other for second-degree sexual assault.

The proposed resolution invokes a Glendale ordinance prohibiting convicted sex offenders from living within 1,200 feet of specified places where children often are, including schools, day cares and athletic fields, as well as public parks, trails and libraries.

The location that the two offenders are moving to is, “just over a block from the northern end of Lincoln Park, four blocks from Parkway Elementary and the Glendale Little League baseball fields, less than 1,000 feet from the Bavarian Soccer Club and adjacent to the Oak Leaf Trail System,” according to the resolution.

If passed by Glendale’s Common Council, the resolution would authorize City Attorney Nathan Bayer to seek legal action and formally request that the Department of Corrections reverse the plan and not place sex offenders in any residence within 1,200 feet of any prohibited area under the city’s sex offender residency restriction ordinance.

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Wisconsin residents, time to pick up your phone and to write letters to fight this injustice!

So Glendale is going to bring legal challenge against the DOC because 2 pfrs are to be placed in Milwaukee county near, not in, Glendale!?! Would Glendale have any legal stance on this? Even though it is “illegal” in Glendale, they’re not being placed in Glendale! It will be interesting to see what happens. These residency restrictions need to go away! My only charge of possession, and I’ve been living in my house for 18 plus years, and I’m 25 ft away from a school! But don’t tell anybody!

“Child areas” has to be the biggest oxymoron ever.

It’s right up there with “gun free” zone.

” Near several places children often visit “. Probably a Dentist office, a 7/11, a bicycle shop, and of course an abandoned soccer field.

From the map posted on the article, it appears the 1200 foot ordinance was enacted specifically to prevent registrants from moving there.

The article also points out that the proposed location is “next to” the city border, suggesting it’s outside of city limits and therefore not subject to city ordinance.

Nothing in the article suggests that the registrants at issue were designated SVP, rendering moot the complaint of state SVP residence restrictions, which I’m guessing don’t apply to all registrants due to the article specifically laying out the SVP restriction statute.

If I were hearing these complaints, I would tell the town council to find a location within Glendale (as they only have authority within the city border, contrary to their apparent opinion) that they consider suitable do so without delaying the registrants’ release dates. Otherwise, deal with it.

If this wasn’t real, it would be laughable. The suburb of Glendale is trying to pull a “long arm” statue on the city of Milwaukee. Sound familiar? Wisconsin does it all the time by requiring people who no longer live in that cesspool state to update & register their info from anyplace in the world. And you gotta love this dufus mayor who doesn’t understand that the county & DOC get to make the decision about SVP placement. Bro, you got punked by the Wisconsin DOC. As much as I hate them, I love it when they f*ck with these communities by “dumping” the “supposedly” worse of the worst. Then mayor dufus falls back on the placement will violate Milwaukee’s zoning requirement for “transitional or supportive” housing. Really? He must have said that with his fingers crossed behind his back, because he really doesn’t give a darn about those things. How much more retarded can these cheese heads get.