Recent Comments

  • Jeff March 2, 2025 at 9:18 pm on Path to FreedomAny attorneys in Kansas that can provide relief from registration as a juvenile since 2008? Statutory charge as a 15 year old in 2005... Age based crime that carries lifetime registration and 25 years before you can apply for removal.
  • Anonymous March 2, 2025 at 8:59 pm on General Comments Mar 2025What are you planning to address?
  • Way too long March 2, 2025 at 8:11 pm on International Travel 2025My plan is to fly to Münich, visit relatives, then take a flight to Bangkok. Then home to Ubon and see family there. Found a few cheap one ways for as little as $300 ( long layover ). From there I will play it by ear. Don’t really have a reason to return to states. Can be a digital nomad if I decide to.
  • Way too long March 2, 2025 at 7:56 pm on International Travel 2025While in Ko Samoi, did you go to the ARC bar? Greatest party on the isle at night. Love it when they have the Aussie water fire dancers.
  • Way too long March 2, 2025 at 7:47 pm on International Travel 2025Interesting that the five English dominant speaking countries have the harshest registries also have the highest crime rates in sex related offenses. Of course they also have some of the highest murder rates, drug usage and divorce rates. See? Democracies work! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  • NY Won't let go March 2, 2025 at 6:20 pm on Convicted sex offender may renounce US citizenship, be deported to PhilippinesI like how they make it sound so easy to renounce your citizenship. It's a process that can only be done from outside of the US, you need to pay $2350 the even apply, you need to present a case as to why you want to renounce your citizenship, and then you could still be denied and they keep your money. They were supposed to reduce the cost back to $450 but that doesn't seem to have come into fruition.
  • Way too long March 2, 2025 at 3:33 pm on General Comments Mar 2025Where can I find a breakdown of current registrants by offense in California. I am scheduling an appointment with my district state representative and would like to go in more informed. I know there is a tier level breakdown, but would like to have by offense. If ACSOL won’t address what I feel is important to so many of us on the registry, I want to give it a shot myself.
  • Anonymous March 2, 2025 at 2:38 pm on General Comments Mar 2025I understand this. For me it's 20 years. And my life has been on hold. It's terribly sad. I've missed out on so much. I can petition next year. Well, though, it will be better to be off of the registry. I tell myself that I'll be in new territory. Give it time, being off the registry, to see what new form of life may be available. Once never knows.
  • Ca March 2, 2025 at 2:26 pm on General Comments Mar 2025So if Judge Bernal decides to eliminate SORNA in ca or allows it in California, then either they appeal or the Pacific Legal Foundation , will file an appeal correct? Either way nothing‘s gonna happen anytime soon in regards to it correct? And if the judge decides for it in California, does the temporary injunction still stay in place? Until he renders the final decision from the appeals?
  • Sma88 March 2, 2025 at 1:16 pm on International Travel 2025The Five Eyes countries (Canada, UK, Australia, NZ? Or Ireland?) I'm in no hurry to try. I assume I'll get turned away solely on my conviction. I'm curious about being able to fly directly to Japan or even Mexico, but not looking to get banned for life if I'm wrong and I do get a notice sent on me. I need to find a country that's worth a roll of the dice and try that I wouldn't mind being banned from. Also, who knows, maybe DOGE has cut 90% of AW workforce and they can't keep up with notices atm. So it could always come back to bite me in the future. Not sure if I'll ever know for sure.
  • Sma88 March 2, 2025 at 1:08 pm on International Travel 2025I didn't. I had read a lot of stuff on Reddit from people with other (non-SO) convictions who had marked yes. Seems most of them got questioned for awhile and told to mark no next time if they hadn't spent a year or more in prison. So I wanted to avoid the time and trouble and just marked no. I know that was a questionable move, but I was pretty sure it would work out ok.
  • Way too long March 2, 2025 at 12:29 pm on Domestic Travel 2025Removal from registry is never actually removal. The same as being released from prison is never actually being released. Getting “off the registry” simply means less paperwork for law enforcement. You will always be on the registry. Your name is permanently on it somewhere and no matter where you go it is part of your life. Worse than a dumb tattoo you decide to remove. The tattoos you can cut out. Might leave a bad scar but at least it’s gone. The registry will always find a way to come to the surface. There is no ACTUAL tier system as so often falsely explained here. It is just a method of reducing man hrs of paperwork for our captors. Pure smoke and mirrors to give those working on it a sense of accomplishment while still not accomplishing anything.
  • Literally nobody March 2, 2025 at 12:13 pm on 43 Organizations Reach Agreement on Letter to U.S. Supreme Court@Ronny: That’s outrageous. You may want to reach out to other churches in your community to see if they would be willing to have you as a member and write a letter of support.
  • Way too long March 2, 2025 at 12:12 pm on General Comments Mar 2025Also, you can only have a door slammed in your face so many times before you must accept that you are not welcome or wanted. The Registry forces many of us into a criminal lifestyle by default. In order to get housing, a job, participate in our children’s activities, travel or even build relationships we must circumvent the legal system. I have come to the decision that to me personally it is worth it in order to enjoy what’s left of my life. Especially the travel part. I might as well lie and avoid following laws from now on. What’s the worst thing that can happen? A country kicks you out? Then I will just go to the next country on my list. If I’m going to be a man without a country, as this one prefers, than why not become a man of the world. Say I have 30 yrs left on this rock. Then bouncing among countries 6-9 months at a time sounds doable. If I want, I can simply stay somewhere for as long as I want or until I get caught with an expired visa. Then I just move on. This is what I meant be disappearing. People have lived for 20 - 30 yrs in U.S. and other countries before even being found for seriously major crimes. I seriously doubt a person that no one is even looking for or cares a rat’s ass about if they live or die should have much problem “disappearing”.
  • SH March 2, 2025 at 12:07 pm on The perils of moving to another state – even after you’re removed from your own state’s registrycan you at least try to visit her by car (not flying, as could be very expensive) overnight/day trip on a weekend to just spend a day or two less than the time deadline for registration in CO ? Just try - and if you get your first trip out there in a car, you may be feeling more stronger, and your probation officer (if you are on probation) will be more confident that you are staying out of trouble. Offer to share your (if you want) google location maps info, and make a trip plan/
  • VOCAL March 2, 2025 at 12:07 pm on Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegallyThis is inaccurate. The Alien Registration Act has been in place for more than 80 years. Trump is just now starting to enforce it.
  • Way too long March 2, 2025 at 11:46 am on General Comments Mar 2025Things would be so different for me if I was able to expunge my record. Every time I bring it up to someone , they always come back at me with, “ It was a Misdemeanor and you didn’t even serve any time, just get it expunged”. Then I tell them I can’t and they say, “Of course you can! All misdemeanors get expunged”. Which only frustrates me more! I mention it here and all I get is, “Now is not the time to bring it up to legislators”. Which to me means, “It isn’t something we care to address because it’s too much work”. I even spoke to my district rep. about it. I explained to him how it was allowed for my offense and then was changed, which to me meant that it was a political and not a legal issue. While sounding empathetic (a prerequisite for public office I found out), he didn’t feel it was a subject he wanted to tackle. I will die with this albatross around my neck because those that have the ability to change this are too damn chicken s*** to actually try. Not like I’m looking to introduce a new law, since this was the law to begin with. Hell, the Governors stop and start the death penalty practically every new election!
  • Way too long March 2, 2025 at 11:32 am on General Comments Mar 2025Thx, I learned long ago that being preachy is often another word for being empathetic, which is a good quality to have.
  • TS March 2, 2025 at 11:26 am on U.S. Sexual Assault Rate Continues to DecreaseI hear your points, @Jax, and do not disagree. What you truly and ultimately highlight is the unique circumstances towards specific nationalities and the confusing nature of immigration overall. It would be nice to just have one sweeping measure that covered everything so it was the same across the board. I think we had that once when we were doing initial immigration in the 1800s through the early 1900s. Once we did away with the central processing points of entry, IMO, then things started getting massively confused. However, even then we as a country were being favorable towards some nationalities and not so favorable towards others. The nature of humanity. Administration's change, systems change, and we have to roll with it. I'm not saying it's right or it's always nice, because we in the forum have to deal with it in our area of concern. I think you can go as far back as 1992 (maybe earlier) to find videos of candidates and elected officials talking about immigration and what needs to be done. In the end, we are not going to solve it here in this forum. At the same time we're also needing to consider how is the data digested and then reflected back to society to the conclusions they are publishing because invariably it will be misconstrued and skewed to fit one's narrative to make things more difficult or continued difficult for those who participate in the forum. Thank you for your thoughts in the forum and bringing enlightenment from your perspective. It is needed for those of us who participate here to consider and keep in mind.
  • Tuna March 2, 2025 at 10:44 am on International Travel 2025Did you tick the conviction question on the Japan immigration form?
  • Jax March 2, 2025 at 9:43 am on Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegallyThis law is redundant and for show. Regardless of legal status, everyone convicted of a registrable offense is required to register. At sentencing, the courts don't just tell an undocumented person that by the way, you're exempt from having to register. They tell them they have to register, and they're subject to deportation. Most times, these folks are automatically put under an ICE hold depending on the severity of the crime. And we know sex crimes are considered very serious in our country.
  • SH March 2, 2025 at 9:32 am on Domestic Travel 2025may I suggest splitting the table into the phases post-incarceration - to aid in adjusting the table as the laws change. Perhaps ... At half-way house (residential reentry center) On probation After sentence is complete Why? In my case, I have a mid-career job that would allow me to move to another state where there are factories. I am choosing to stay put until my probation ends. THEN I have a single chance to make a big move, and the ultimate destination will have to allow me in to live a life - and that may influence many decisions on the way (property, savings, taxes, investments, ...) . I am sure others who come out of prison after a long while have similar thoughts. Their probation state may not be the state/territory they would be at home, after probation ends.
  • Jax March 2, 2025 at 9:19 am on ‘The damage’ is ‘immense’: Attorneys for man accused by Mace demand evidence — or an apologyLike Jasmine Crockett told Nancy Mace "Child, please!!!"
  • TS March 2, 2025 at 9:17 am on U.S. Sexual Assault Rate Continues to DecreaseYou are picking one subset of people who come to this country illegally while there are others who are not part of this subset who come to this country illegally for their own subset of reasons, of which one is to do harm to this country and its citizens, where that makes them a threat to national security and the people here while blending in with those you initially identified. That in itself is a reason for border security by whatever means necessary.
  • Jax March 2, 2025 at 8:56 am on U.S. Sexual Assault Rate Continues to DecreaseTS, I understand your point to a certain extent, but many immigrants operate in a political environment where the definition of "breaking the law" has shifted. For instance, the latest influx of migrants had crossed the border legally and were granted permission to stay under TPS status until they see an immigration judge. But since we have a new president who for some reason hates Haitian migrants because he thinks they're "eating cats & dogs," his administration wants them out by August, or they would be deemed 'illegal.' It wasn't the intention of those immigrants to enter the country illegally in the first place. It gets more trickier with Cubans who've been allowed asylum for decades under "wet foot, dry foot." But that was rescinded under Obama and upheld under Biden thru TPS. Trump rolled back TPS for Cubans knowing that these "illegal Cubans" can remain another way under the outdated Cuban Adjustment Act--thus satisfying Trump's Cuban political base in Florida. So, I don't think it's fair to automatically assume those that crossed did so illegally when "legality" is not well defined. That's because it's based on nationality and political constructs that shifts with the wind. However, breaking the law while inside our borders is well defined. And those migrants know not to do it, for fear of deportation.
  • Athena March 2, 2025 at 7:58 am on U.S. Sexual Assault Rate Continues to Decrease@Will Allen, aside from some of the violent rantings, which I agree are necessary at times, I do enjoy your posts. They are sprinkled with nuggets of wisdom such as "There are many obstacles in life and the Registries are just another. Plenty of people have far worse" Thank you for that.
  • Athena March 2, 2025 at 7:00 am on General Comments Mar 2025Almost all of us "screwed up" our lives. I did too, but I don't daydream about running somewhere to disappear; my thinking is more along the lines of ceasing to exist. But (and this is a big but), we all have value and the ability to contribute to our own wellbeing and others' wellbeing. Yes I know there are severe limitations, but work with what you got. I started by writing out my values, which is my foundation or my personal "faith" if you will. Now I am working on focusing my brain, time, and talents on doing good things. Yes I have limitations and need to work full time to support my family and I just received some pretty upsetting health news so I have to do it all with a degenerating body, but nothing I can do about any of that so I will focus on my values, personal change, and growth. I just listened to a podcast reminding me that I create the narrative about who I am; me, I am in control of that narrative and my thoughts and my mindset. And I am working on letting go of all the other noisy, ruminating, self-defeating sh!tty thoughts. I hope this doesn't come off preachy, but it hits home with me and I hope you can find a way to reset. I enjoy your commentary and contributions here and that's not nothing.
  • MD Registrant March 2, 2025 at 6:12 am on ‘The damage’ is ‘immense’: Attorneys for man accused by Mace demand evidence — or an apology" Witness intimidation is real and is illegal." So are false allegations Rep. Mace. She truly is an attention seeking woman.
  • Volaré March 2, 2025 at 4:43 am on International Travel 2025Thanks for this uplifting report! You’re not the only one off the registry who has reported hassle-free foreign travel here, and so maybe -maybe- that’s a primary determinant of whether the “powers that be” would bother sending out notices to travel destinations. One can only hope! 🤞 The fact that your offense was relatively recent tends to strengthen that position. But as always, we don’t know for sure since AW policies are in a black box 🗃️ and we have extremely limited visibility into the government’s policy rationales….. Like you, I was sentenced (though not legally convicted) for a “low-level” felony offense involving a minor (in my case a “lewd act in the presence of”) in the state of Florida (the judge “withheld adjudication of guilt”). I was sentenced to only probation for 2 years. I was on a spring break vacation when I was arrested. Unfortunately I’m listed in Florida from my original registration after sentencing back in ‘98, yet with no updates required since, and so I’m also included in the National Registry, which may (or may not) trigger notices to be sent out to my travel destinations (I haven’t yet traveled abroad … the older I get (I’m 60) the less disposed I am to chance encounters with law enforcement anywhere. It’s sort of a crippling mental situation to be honest). And like you, my home state didn’t / doesn’t require registering for my offense. But the federal SORNA does require registration for my offense -for 10 years assuming no new charges of any sort (Tier 1). Mike G, a frequent contributor here, has reported many foreign travel experiences since being off the registry…. And even when on the registry he traveled extensively but took added precautions. We haven’t heard from Notorious D.I.K here in a little while but as he often correctly points out it would be unwise to extrapolate much of anything for individual reports here …. It could just have been that the Customs agent at your initial destination wasn’t paying attention and just waved you in. And that from that point on our gov wasn’t privy of your travels because they originated from outside the USA …. And thus didn’t send an AW travel Notice to those additional countries. However the fact that you weren’t even taken aside for Secondary screening upon your return tells me that you’re not in a heightened scrutiny bucket with the USA government. And that’d be a wonderful thing! Good to know you got into Spain directly! That country has been a question mark ❓ for us for about a year, due to a couple of negative reports of lots of questioning at Customs (though ultimately people were let in if I recall correctly). A more compelling test case would be if you got into Canada or the UK, for example. Although in those cases, if you did not get in it may have had more to do with those countries’ presumed direct access to our government’s criminal records …… Anyways CONGRATULATIONS to you!!!
  • Will Allen March 1, 2025 at 9:45 pm on U.S. Sexual Assault Rate Continues to DecreasePeople can't just break into any country they like. Personally, I'm fine with a border wall. But I'm certainly not worried about the people themselves who are coming in. We know they commit less crimes than Americans. I'd also bet most are better people, on average. Frankly, if I could pick them, I'd export 100 Americans for every "illegal" coming in. Net win, for sure.
  • Will Allen March 1, 2025 at 9:33 pm on U.S. Sexual Assault Rate Continues to DecreaseNo. People are 1,000+ times more worried about going to prison than they are with being listed on the Registries. As they should be. Further, few people who are not PFRs have any comprehension at all of the problems associated with being listed. Registries are no deterrent. Your life is not "pretty much over" if you become a PFR. There are many obstacles in life and the Registries are just another. Plenty of people have far worse. It is completely possible to be a PFR, have a great life, and be extremely successful. If it weren't, I probably would have murdered plenty of people already.
  • Unknown93 March 1, 2025 at 9:09 pm on General Comments Mar 2025nope. just your name, where you live and conviction
  • Way too long March 1, 2025 at 9:00 pm on General Comments Mar 2025As I get closer to my petition date ( 50 days) I am becoming more acutely aware of how bad I screwed up my life. The petition was the only thing that kept me going forward. I kept telling myself that once this was over, my life would be my own again. That was complete crap. Now, if this is approved, what then. My life won’t change. And I will have nothing to push myself towards. I keep thinking of things I will try, but then I say to myself “Why?”. 10 yrs ago I lost everything. My relationships, my livelihood , my freedom. I have been on a continuous struggle sense then. I realize some judge granting some petition isn’t changing any of that. I keep thinking that just traveling to somewhere and “disappearing” is my best option. Like the homeless that die and no one even notices they are gone.
  • Way too long March 1, 2025 at 8:46 pm on Influencer Tate brothers, who face human trafficking charges in Romania, arrive in the USA native citizen can’t go anywhere without a notice being sent, but two human traffickers that happen to have U.S. citizenship through application are welcomed with open arms. Disgusting.
  • Way too long March 1, 2025 at 8:42 pm on General Comments Mar 2025No, a PFR’s employers are not listed on registry.
  • Ronny Daytona March 1, 2025 at 7:04 pm on 43 Organizations Reach Agreement on Letter to U.S. Supreme CourtA result of having to register is no longer being allowed to attend the church my wife and I have been members of since 1995. My P.O. Said I could attend church as long as I got a letter from our Pastor stating it is okay to attend. Well, the churches insurance company stipulates that if it is known a church member has to register, that person cannot be allowed to be a member. How is this okay? I do not know how to address this, since we have many church friends who wish for our return. This not only affects me, but my wife and friends. How is this positive and rehabilitative? How can a person not be allowed to attend the church of their choice? Very contradictory to biblical teachings about repentance and church membership. How can a church allow a man-made institution to override God’s word?
  • TS March 1, 2025 at 5:48 pm on Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegallyOnly when found retroactive applicability is allowed and people are harmed by it because it's not punishment but for the safety of the children.
  • Way too long March 1, 2025 at 5:01 pm on U.S. Sexual Assault Rate Continues to DecreaseBroke the law by crossing some arbitrary boundary to avoid violence in their own country. Really? Criminals?
  • Sma88 March 1, 2025 at 3:10 pm on International Travel 2025I landed in Thailand around Feb 7 and didn't know about this, so I didn't do anything except show up with a passport in hand. Had no issues.
  • AlsoME March 1, 2025 at 2:39 pm on Wicked Riches: Victims’ compensation rewards liars and cheatsEither we presume that every single claim made against these public sector employees is true... OR Admit that Universal, Lifetime, Frightening and High Risk IS A LIE! State presumes that the pictures they found on my computer proves that I am a F&H Risk of committing crimes there is no evidence that I have ever even attempted before. They further claim that this will remain true for life, with no possibility of change. They may even suggest that this F&H Risk of all new levels of criminal behavior make living near a public park too risky to be allowed. Then they will insist that a State employee with one of more proven hands on victims, that were "Preyed upon" at a State School, or Youth Authority Detention Center, has just the few proven victims, and we should presume all other claims made against this person are false. Doesn't matter how old the proven crimes are, doesn't matter how many years this person spent with continued access to others, before the proven crimes came to light, we must presume there are no other victims! Then... once that State employee gets out of prison, and becomes a PFR... they will insist this person is a F&H Risk of future crimes! It would seem that F&H switches on and off based on the convenience of the State.
  • Sma88 March 1, 2025 at 2:29 pm on International Travel 2025I need to preface this post by saying I'm in a unique situation that probably applies to few, if any others here. Still, I want to provide some info about my first international trip since my arrest in 2021 in case anyone else ends up in the same situation and could use this as a data point. I was convicted of a low level state felony in 2023. I served 90 days house arrest and 12 months probation which I completed at the end of 2024. My victim was a minor. My state does not require my conviction to register. SORNA, and most other states, do say my conviction should register. My passport is not marked since I am not registered anywhere. I traveled from Chicago to Madrid Feb 1. I hadn't had a chance to travel to anywhere I knew I'd get turned away from if a notice had been sent on me. So I really didn't know what AW would do about notices on me. Leave me alone since not registered, or flag me just based on my conviction? Iberia has a cheap business class flight with miles (Avios) to Europe from the East Coast, and I figured Spain might be somewhat of a good test since others here have been hassled entering there. It was stupid o'clock early when I arrived, and a friend was with me at immigration, but I don't think the girl even compared my face to my passport. It was a breeze. No questions at all. Stayed 3 nights in Spain before an intra-EU flight to Helsinki. Can also fly Finnair business class with Avios reasonably, and it's a damn nice product with them. More miles required than Iberia, but worth it 100%. Just spent a few hours at the airport there before stamping out of the EU and flying to Bangkok. Again, no issues. No issues entering Bangkok, but coming from Europe on a foreign airline, I didn't expect any. Visited Hua Hin, Koh Tao, Koh Pha Ngan, Koh Samui, Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Chiang Rai. I think about 21 days total in Thailand. It was my fourth time there and my friend's first. He fell in love with the country like I did my first time there. We left there a few days ago, flew Thai Airways to Osaka. Spent one night in Osaka, one night in Tokyo. Flew ANA back to Chicago just now. Was almost positive I'd get pulled into secondary, but thankfully not. So I don't know what to make of it all. Maybe not having to register really is the difference maker? I thought for sure CBP would harass me based on conviction alone even if AW didn't send a notice (I'm still not sure if they did or didn't). Regardless, it was a great trip and I'm so grateful I was able to travel as easily as I did. I don't know if I'll always be that lucky, or if it was a fluke. I know most here aren't that fortunate and I hate that our government is this stupid. But maybe my experience can help us unravel what flags/triggers AW and CBP or not to some extent.
  • Anonymous March 1, 2025 at 1:51 pm on General Comments Mar 2025In California is a tier 2 registrant's employer listed on the web?
  • AlsoME March 1, 2025 at 1:06 pm on Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegallyAnonymous, I cannot support putting anyone on any "Registry", however you do make an excellent point. Domestic Abusers do recidivate at "Frightening and High" levels. In addition to any permanent physical harm that may be done, the psychological/emotional harm domestic abuse causes can be crippling and last a Lifetime. I'm in my 50's and am just now starting to come to terms with, and attempting to recover from the years of psychological/Emotional Abuse I experienced all through my Childhood. Abuse that goes all the way back to before I failed kindergarten because I was too scared of the other kids to interact with them. 😱 Drunk Drivers? Thousands of times... Short trips to the store to get more booze... 2 AM blackout trips to to the Denny's 20 miles away that happened so frequently, the whole night staff instantly recognized me by face, and knew my name... at the place I thought I had only been to a couple times before. I got stories about some of the trips I remember, that get to be funny because nothing bad happened to anyone, but they could have gone from funny to downright tragic if things had gone just a little differently. 😁 No way you get to drive across the Bay Bridge with a 6'5" 400 pound man hanging half his body out the passenger window while he vomits, then just fly off into Oakland at 100 MPH, without getting caught? You sure about that, because I disagree. 😁 This shouldn't require registration...but some deleted pictures do?
  • Wisconsinslave March 1, 2025 at 12:51 pm on Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegallyI think this registry will be great for us. They will be on a registry for doing something illegal, like our registry. If they violate the registry, they could face a fine or prison time, like us. Once this registry is found unconstitutional, we could use that in court. I have always said there should be a drunk driving registry, but in Wisconsin where half the population has that charge, it keeps getting blocked.
  • TS March 1, 2025 at 12:49 pm on U.S. Sexual Assault Rate Continues to DecreaseBy breaking the law to get here in the first place and then being nice citizens doesn't make them any less of a criminal because they broke the law initially. Take your same argument and apply it a person who committed a sex offense that wasn't reported, wasn't convicted, but who has been a good citizen ever since. Are they any less of a criminal just because they're not caught? Would you say that about those in positions of trust who aren't caught though they are good citizens afterwards? Of course someone who broke the law initially to get into somewhere else doesn't want to ruffle feathers or ripple the waters, they know that they are dead to rights on the way out if caught. The means don't justify the ends. The real question should be how many criminals who have not been caught or now not being criminals because they don't want to be adjudicated for their initial criminal actions which sways the data set in the end by giving the illusion that there is lower crime rate. Under-reporting of crime is a real thing as we discuss here all the time especially when it can't be validated because there is no foundation for substantiation.
  • Way too long March 1, 2025 at 12:45 pm on U.S. Sexual Assault Rate Continues to DecreaseTruth and facts don’t matter in this new reality. The country is run now on extreme greed, vengeance and the thought that only one way of thinking is acceptable. It won’t be long here before people will be assaulted and killed just for looking a certain way or saying something that goes against the flow. It will be represented as in the name of “National Pride” ( a phrase used in Germany in 1930s) and as shown, these people will be pardoned for their crimes.
  • AC March 1, 2025 at 12:45 pm on International Travel 2025@Way Too Long I need to read 17B again, but I was advised by a random criminal sex-offense attorney that, because I served 1 year in prison, I would not be eligible to reduce my 311.1(A)/311.11(A) wobbler felony to a misdemeanor.
  • Way too long March 1, 2025 at 12:38 pm on U.S. Sexual Assault Rate Continues to DecreaseYou can get off those sites. It’s not as difficult as many make it out to be. You can contact them, tell them you are no longer on registry, they will check and then remove you. They also use the registry as a source to make their lists, so if you aren’t on it then they won’t have your name. I contacted home facts and they sent me an email saying they had removed my name.
  • Way too long March 1, 2025 at 12:34 pm on U.S. Sexual Assault Rate Continues to DecreaseActually, that would likely increase the #s.
  • Way too long March 1, 2025 at 12:32 pm on TX: Texas Cops Seized Photographs From a Museum and Launched Child Pornography InvestigationA cow wrecked my truck when I hit her while I was driving down the road and loading my gun to kill my dog that bit me! At least I think that’s what happened, because I was drunk at the time and for some reason my 12 yr old wouldn’t take the wheel…. ( Now THERE’S a story that could only happen in TEXAS!)😎
  • bruce w March 1, 2025 at 12:24 pm on OH: *IN JEST*, Lawmakers Just Proposed Making It Illegal For Men To Have Unprotected Sex Unless They Intend To Make A Baby, And YES, This Is REALcant imagine bible thumpers are in the house theres a pattern here
  • bruce w March 1, 2025 at 12:16 pm on LA: Bill Would Require Repeat “Johns” to Register as Sex Offender in Louisianaits the lords work in LA , back to mid evil days. so a fat guy or ugly guy that is sexual deprived in life anyways we all have needs. a little emoitional maybe a conversation a companion which is very hard for some. rejection is a human feeling, hooking up is a way help men like us to feel wanted again stop the insanity
  • bruce w March 1, 2025 at 12:10 pm on KS: Parents outraged after sex offender allowed at Kansas school dancemy uncle was a photographer and he was involed in art school, as a hobby and he decided to do a shoot at a little leauge baseball event for his class roject. the parents of the event come up to him and ask him what he was doing there and he lives in that commuity what a joke
  • bruce w March 1, 2025 at 12:05 pm on CA: Solano County deputies seize 120 terabytes of child porn, from RV homethey call it mobil for reason, traveling book mobil stupid
  • Rev. Dr. Andrea Travers March 1, 2025 at 11:04 am on ACSOL Letter to DOGE Requests Elimination of All Funding for SORNAJanice, This is the BEST use of DOGE I've seen - and possibly the only one!!! Thanks for your forethought and on-going push forward to change the law. Wish I could be there - but I'm here in San Diego "running the show" at COSA (Circles of Support and Accountability) - now with 80 participants, while our Operations/Case Manager, Sean Wood, is back there with you in Washington DC. Anyone look for a representative from SAN DIEGO look for SEAN WOOD - he's courageous, passionate and a force for change. Peace and Blessings. Rev. Dr. Andrea Travers, Dir. COSA San Diego
  • AlsoME March 1, 2025 at 10:12 am on Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegallyThe expansion of the pogrom has always be possible, it just took someone morally bankrupt enough to do it. This will not be the last expansion. Soon, all "Enemies Within" will be on one form of Registry or another. If it's legal to "Register" anyone, it's legal to "Register" everyone! Just took someone... like Trump... to do it to everyone he feels the "Need to". If the demonstrably false, categorically absurd, endlessly self-contradicting, LIES that make the SOR, "All legal"... what wouldn't work? If these LIES can be used to establish the "Need" and "Legality" of the Constitutional Rights Banishing SOR, what LIES wouldn't work? Lucky for all "Enemies Within" being on a Registry is no different then having a Price Club membership! Even luckier for all that Trump never tells lies about people, no matter how much he hates them!
  • Jax March 1, 2025 at 10:07 am on U.S. Sexual Assault Rate Continues to DecreaseI don't think that's the point. Whether they "broke the law" or not by being here illegally, they still commit less crime which is proven in all the data. It's no coincidence that crime is much lower in cities with recent immigrant (legal & illegal) populations. And it makes sense because no one wants to get in trouble, risk deportation back to their native country and experience hardships all over again.
  • Anonymous March 1, 2025 at 10:01 am on Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegallyThe state of California had a gang member registry that was discontinued a couple of years ago. I believe there's an arson registry, although it's not available to the public. These things are a way of extending government control, of course. Foucault terrirory, the panopticon. I don't like it, but there's consistency in creating new registries, ever more. I think we'd do well to push the issue of the missing registries. Why no domestic abuser registry? No drunk driver registry?
  • Jan March 1, 2025 at 9:59 am on ACSOL Letter to DOGE Requests Elimination of All Funding for SORNAI am most certainly not a fan of Trump and don't think I voted for Elon Musk, but he seems to be wielding a lot of power, but I think this would be great way to cut Federal spending. Way to go!!!
  • Jax March 1, 2025 at 9:47 am on TX: Texas Cops Seized Photographs From a Museum and Launched Child Pornography InvestigationIf you think that album cover is risque, it doesn't hold water to the one put out by the Scorpions in the 70s. I won't give anymore details, for fear of getting in trouble. That's how bad it is. Your free to research at your own peril.
  • AERO1 March 1, 2025 at 9:37 am on U.S. Sexual Assault Rate Continues to DecreaseIt’s because of the registry, I over here people all the time talking about how afraid they are of being placed on the registry. Everyone knows once you’re on that website your life is pretty much over. I got off in November and I’m still working on getting my life back together and it’s not as easy as I thought my name still keeps popping up on 4 or 5 different websites like HOMEFACTS.
  • TS March 1, 2025 at 9:37 am on TX: Texas Cops Seized Photographs From a Museum and Launched Child Pornography InvestigationHey, I like pickups and cattle pics/art. They are easily stage worthy when posed properly. At least we can call that art versus a blank black canvas which sells for more money than some make in a lifetime. What has a cow or pickup done to you?! (Kidding, I jest for a little morning humor.)
  • TS March 1, 2025 at 9:32 am on CA: Former Senate Bill Resurfaces, Could Significantly Expand Number of RegistrantsWhat is the reasoning for the releasing of this info other than to fulfill the FOIA requests? To judge those who associated with him so they can be convicted of guilt by association? If there were grounds for charges, then it would have happened by now. One person is dead, one person is in jail, the rest want this to turn the page. A prominent lawyer who associated with him in societal circles wants it released to show his innocence when society has deemed him guilty of nefarious illegal actions w/o any proof. To hide? To prove? Who cares anymore? The soridness of it all has become boring all because society has an insatiable appetite for judging others when they need to look within at themselves. Such page 6 material drawing attention when there are other things people should be concerned with. I'd rather read the full release of docs (w/o redaction) of what happened in Dallas (1963) and all that surrounds that. WHY did the motorcade alter the route at the last minute before cruising it?
  • Will Allen March 1, 2025 at 9:26 am on General Comments Mar 2025Trash. They want some mindless slaves. "Break things" is a stupid idea when you are dealing with critical services. People should join in order to sabotage them.
  • BM March 1, 2025 at 9:24 am on MI: ACLU Sues State Officials for the Fourth Time over Unconstitutional Michigan Sex Offender Registration Act@Josh - if you have read Betts and most recently Lymon with the previous court makeup, this should give you at least some hope. We had a slimmer margin prior and I believe we still won those cases 5-2. Wasn't that close and we just picked up another, who has civil rights background from UofM. The case associated with the ACLU amicus brief came to the court under cruel and unusual punishment, similar to Lymon but for all PFRs and not just ones that didn't have a sex component to their crimes. It touches on lifetime GPS and lifetime SORA. Next up depending on that case is People v Johnson on and Expo claim. Look this one up. The Court of Appeals already sided with us and said that the 2021 SORA is punishment. This one I have been mentioning here for people to keep an eye on, more than once. It's in abeyance pending outcome of the other case. But they're both coming to the MSC from different constitutional challenges. Read Lymon, read People v Johnson from the Court of Appeals. And let's not forget that we "won" on Expo Facto AGAIN (pending final judgement). I can't say for certain how the MSC will rule but follow the dog on this one and not the tale. You get a sense from all the recent caselaw of justices mindsets. These 2 cases are what have me very hopeful. The federal case is much more of a crapshoot IMO than them.
  • AlsoME March 1, 2025 at 9:24 am on ‘The damage’ is ‘immense’: Attorneys for man accused by Mace demand evidence — or an apologyHurray! Finally action in response to false claims! Hopefully this will help establish that falsely labeling someone a, "Predator" does cause "Immense Damage"! Every single time some politician or media outlet makes a blanket statement suggesting that all PFRs are, the entire class of citizens experience "Immense Damage". Damage to reputation both personal and professional as well as psychological and emotional anguish. Immense Damage that is not limited to just the PFR, but spills over to family, friends, employers and other business associates, even neighbors. Even neighbors that might agree with the false claims! Can't be both a "Predator" AND a "Good friend", "Dependable Employee", "Valued Business Partner", "Loving family member", "Trustworthy Neighbor" or even a "Human being". These ideas are mutually exclusive, if one is true, the other has to be false! Point this out, the Pogrom Supporters will simply demand that the "Predator" part is "true" but that doesn't cause any problems. Registry is just like having a Price Club membership, and nothing else. If that is so, perhaps we should get some wild wolves, give them Costco Memberships, and randomly turn turn loose in different stores? Let the Pogrom Supporters demonstrate that the "Predatory nature" of these members will be happily tolerated by all, just like the lying Pogrom Supporters claim is true with PFRs? You can be both a "Predator" and a Member of Costco, with no difficulties of any kind? PROVE IT! Maybe...just checking out the deals on tube socks at one of the tables.... BAM...🐊! Crocodiles are "Ambush Predators", just like is falsely claimed to be true about PFRs. Just makes the "Shopping experience" more interesting, by making it potentially lethal? All in good fun? No reason to do anything about these Predators? Just like nobody would ever think of doing anything to the PFRs falsely labeled as "Predators"? PROVE IT! Oh, then after your trip to Costco's Wild Kingdom, assuming you survive, explain the murders?
  • TS March 1, 2025 at 9:16 am on Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegallyYes, because what we wish for may reach farther than one ever though in ways never considered...once that freedom is given up, it usually never comes back without a revolution of some sort to reset boundaries. Sage counsel you write there... For all, I leave you with this... This applicable is interesting considering it is another registry in a long effort of registries in this country since the first in CA for those "usual suspects" to the national security threat wave of 1940 (of which this action is being noted under) to SORNA. It is appalling the use of registries as we know, but in this situation, people broke the law for whatever their justification to come here. We note the use of this tool because of the actions which come from it, but is there proper justification for it? From 1940, the use of it allowed the ID of nationalities for processing further, e.g., internment camps or returning those who were suspect in their allegiance at the time to what country. One action was wrong especially towards those who were citizens of this country which this country has not fully atoned for, IMO. The other action was in protection of it and its citizens at the time from evil across the seas. Given that, are those who now being required to register going to actually do it? If so, are they hoping they could appeal to save their own skin and stay by showing they are not a issue to begin with? From the national security threat standpoint, which is what the 1940 law stems from, this is a viable and legal method to encourage this action. National security threats have come across illegally, as they would anyway and which need to be seen and dealt with accordingly, but they are not going to register regardless. Those who want to do harm will do harm regardless of what they have to do and the laws. We know this. There are, of course, threats to and actions done to our country's citizens by these folks who now need to register which are heinous, illegal, and down right intimidating (as I have seen in person and be subject to in those entities who welcome such people with ignorance and blindness of the laws but also of the care and welfare of its citizens). The question to be asked of this administration is to what extent do they believe registries are viable for any cause and their willingness to use them as they feel is necessary. (And by the way, on the topic of immigration and those coming here, a bit outside the mission of this group, if we should overlook the illegal actions of those who came here illegally, should those in power also be more compassionate towards those have sex convictions who may not understand the laws to which they need to follow when it comes to updating their registration entries (as they are to fully understand) or understand there is no malintent if one little thing is missed due to an honest mistake? Compassion can go in many directions. If one goes back on the topic of immigration with the last five presidents, it has been a topic which has always been promised to be dealt with, but to what success is unknown.) (Also, I'd imagine there are other instances of registries prior to CA using it as they did, but w/o further research, it is hard to know at this writing. It could be a good research paper project to do.)
  • Way too long March 1, 2025 at 8:30 am on Influencer Tate brothers, who face human trafficking charges in Romania, arrive in the USAccused Sex traffickers are given sanctuary in this country, while the FBI is now violating privacy rights to get genetic samples of blood and tissue in order to convict people. The values we have grown up with have been flushed down a gold plated toilet. I actually heard a comment by a viewer of a news show say,”If you don’t break the law , then why care if the government is watching you”. OMG! They don’t realize that as this type of action progresses, the law will find more things to give them powers to control the population. That commenter could soon be in jail for not waiving hard enough when a government official passes by. Or disappear because they insulted the president. I have personally witnessed this while living in Thailand. People were put in prison for 10 yrs for a perceived public insult of the king. The AP news outlet was banned from the White House this week for not calling it “the Golf of America”. This country is now officially an authoritarian state. The ignorant populations of this country are being given shelter for their violent actions. Be very vigilant from here on. We as a group are facing very dangerous times. We don’t have friends in the federal government anymore. I don’t doubt that we will very soon be facing a humanity and social crisis of proportions that we haven’t seen since the Nazi holocaust. How can we even trust legal representation now. What if a lawyer is a MAGA leaning person, will they actually repress you fairly, or just take your money. Will a judge decide based on the law or their personal values. These are legit concerns. ACSOL needs to address this as more file for removal and legislation goes against us. Dark times.
  • James March 1, 2025 at 7:18 am on U.S. Sexual Assault Rate Continues to DecreaseAccording to politicians, sexual assault is rapidly increasing and everyone is at great risk at all times.
  • pat March 1, 2025 at 6:46 am on General Comments Mar 2025Everyone!!!!!!!! “The DOGE Team is looking for world-class talent to work long hours identifying/eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse. These are full-time, salaried positions for software engineers, InfoSec engineers, and other technology professionals.” Surely we have these talented people somewhere amongst the MILLION+ of us? Or amongst our advocates?
  • MD Registrant March 1, 2025 at 6:31 am on Action Alert nationwide: ICAC Federal Grants Are Up for Renewal! – Please contact your federal representatives today!Politicians should get a pay cut to $7.15/hr with no benefits during their full term.
  • MD Registrant March 1, 2025 at 6:12 am on Influencer Tate brothers, who face human trafficking charges in Romania, arrive in the USOr represent Fl. district 1. I wonder how many Florida politicians are on the Epstein list. Makes you wonder why they are so vengeful against PFR.
  • MD Registrant March 1, 2025 at 5:37 am on U.S. Sexual Assault Rate Continues to DecreaseIt will continue to drop due to the 4B movement: no dating, no sex, no marriage, and no kids.
  • MD Registrant March 1, 2025 at 5:25 am on Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegallySooner or later everyone will be on some kind of registry, so people should be careful of what they wish for because it might include you soon.
  • Will March 1, 2025 at 4:19 am on ACSOL Letter to DOGE Requests Elimination of All Funding for SORNAThis isn't technically social media
  • Worried in Wisconsin March 1, 2025 at 2:57 am on Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegallyThis doesn't bode well for the hope that DOGE will get rid of our registry. They like power and control, and that's what registries are all about.
  • David February 28, 2025 at 11:30 pm on Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegallyOh look, the federal government now wants another registry 🙄: Nothing good comes from registries – just ask any of us!!! 😡
  • Will Allen February 28, 2025 at 10:23 pm on CA: Former Senate Bill Resurfaces, Could Significantly Expand Number of RegistrantsIt was disgusting how the Trump administration released the list also. I've ALWAYS thought they were 100% immoral trash but they continue to sink ever deeper and deeper. They must be the most corrupt idiots in government in the past 100 years. If they had any sense, they would have simply put the documents on a government website and told everyone where they were. But instead, they put them in 3 ring binders and handed them out to just a handful of "people" - the trashiest, lying people imaginable. Those people were dancing around like idiots, smiling, and taking pictures. Completely ignoring the fact that they were celebrating very, very heinous crimes against children. They were laughing in the victims' faces. Then the scum went back to their trash podcasts to monetize it all. Their level of trash seems to know no bounds. But anyway, that's Amerika. That is a country that would have public shaming Sex Registries. And mark people and passports. Trash.
  • Way too long February 28, 2025 at 8:49 pm on TX: Texas Cops Seized Photographs From a Museum and Launched Child Pornography InvestigationAnd if the birth goes over an arbitrary time limit, then the OBGYN is charged with groping.
  • Way too long February 28, 2025 at 8:47 pm on TX: Texas Cops Seized Photographs From a Museum and Launched Child Pornography InvestigationThe bigger question……….Texas actually has an art museum? How many pictures of Pickups and cows do you think are on those walls. 🤣
  • Josh February 28, 2025 at 8:25 pm on MI: ACLU Sues State Officials for the Fourth Time over Unconstitutional Michigan Sex Offender Registration Act@BM….I wasn’t aware of these cases and they seem to have escaped the media’s attention thus far. I think you’re right to put more hope in that case. There is a super majority in the makeup of that court right now if I remember correctly. I think it’s 8-1 liberal which you’d think would bode well. We’ve won there before with very little to no result. Are either of these class action or just applied to the individual named? Also, I’m in complete agreement about the federal case and the timeframe with which it’s unfolding. I was told by someone who’s opinion I respect that the judge’s ruling would probably come down by the end of the first quarter….well we have a month and no indication that anything is going to happen anytime soon. To be honest I’m starting to lose whatever little shred of optimism I have left that we’ll get relief at all when it’s all said and done at least in the federal case
  • Dr. February 28, 2025 at 6:47 pm on MI: ACLU Sues State Officials for the Fourth Time over Unconstitutional Michigan Sex Offender Registration Act@Bobby S. ⚠️ In my humble opinion it is a parallel case with the same type of information as this case, you should also know that there’s a couple of more parallel cases on the shelf just waiting, I believe BM referenced one of them here in this thread 😎 maybe,
  • TS February 28, 2025 at 5:33 pm on U.S. Sexual Assault Rate Continues to DecreaseTouche'
  • TS February 28, 2025 at 5:31 pm on TX: Texas Cops Seized Photographs From a Museum and Launched Child Pornography InvestigationThe guy who was the picture for the Nirvana album has tried to sue several times to which he has got nowhere. I remember the Blind Faith album controversy still raising its ugly head from time to time.
  • Russ February 28, 2025 at 4:20 pm on Influencer Tate brothers, who face human trafficking charges in Romania, arrive in the USI hate to imagine what a Romanian prison is like. I wonder if they send prisoners upstate to Transylvania
  • Russ February 28, 2025 at 4:15 pm on Convicted sex offender may renounce US citizenship, be deported to PhilippinesAre you sure about that? The Bahamas is a fully developed country, while the Philippines is so poor that fisherman have dynamited out all the coral reef just to get to the fish and make a living. That's if all the coastal pollutants & chemicals hadn't destroyed the reef first. I hope you're not speaking about those pristine beaches LOL!
  • The Truth February 28, 2025 at 4:10 pm on U.S. Sexual Assault Rate Continues to DecreaseI disagree since they broke the law by being/staying here in the first place, but I digress........
  • Will Allen February 28, 2025 at 3:01 pm on Action Alert nationwide: ICAC Federal Grants Are Up for Renewal! – Please contact your federal representatives today!People should look at the website to see what kind of garbage Musk and his ilk are. People who think people should spend large amounts of their lives working are true losers. The world doesn't need that and shouldn't even consider working like that outside of health care, food production improvements, and similar. No one need work more than 30 hours a week. We don't need people working 80 hours a week to make another Tik Tok. Or Twitter. Or whatever. If some people want to, fine. No one should need to. Also, we know the billionaires really, really want slaves and to be able to force people to work like that. We know they want to force people into offices in various places and force them to spend hours of their days commuting in outrageous traffic. We know that. But f*ck the billionaries. And f*ck any CEOs, etc. who support that. They are stuck in the 1900s and we need to leave them all there. Fire them and get better CEOs. Lastly, I'd never join anything related to traitor Musk, unless it was to sabotage him. Which is actually a good reason to join.
  • AlsoME February 28, 2025 at 2:21 pm on Convicted sex offender may renounce US citizenship, be deported to PhilippinesI worked in IT my whole career, in the Telcom part of IT specifically. Call Center technology of every kind, that was my racket! Wonder if I could find a job in the Philippines doing stuff like that? 😁 Never been to the Philippines, but, I am very familiar with it. Numerous Professional connections, and two Ex BFs from there...
  • AlsoME February 28, 2025 at 1:41 pm on CA: Former Senate Bill Resurfaces, Could Significantly Expand Number of RegistrantsBill, These kinds of proposals make the Frightening and High LIE impossible to defend. If these 10,000 people really were all F&H, where are all their victims, and how is it possible for them to "Get away with" all these "Predatory Child Sexual Assaults" for years without even being suspected of any of them? If there aren't legions of victims wracked up over the years, how can they be considered F&H RIsks? Then there were the 180,000 folks that were in the last version of this. Remember them, the 180,000 people that were convicted of a PC violation that could have, but has never required registration? The Legislature contemplated adding them, but didn't. The Legislature is, "Up to something"? Replacing the Registry with something that "Works better" for them? That starts with making the lifetime, universal F&H LIE impossible to defend. Kill that lie, so you can replace it with... I have an idea...
  • Way too long February 28, 2025 at 1:00 pm on U.S. Sexual Assault Rate Continues to DecreaseJust like the national census, if fewer participate in surveys than the numbers get skewed. Or if they change the parameters then same thing happens. If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears or sees it fall, did it really happen? If someone goes missing , gets murdered but is never found, then it never shows on the murder rate. This survey means nothing.
  • Way too long February 28, 2025 at 12:55 pm on U.S. Sexual Assault Rate Continues to DecreaseBiggest factor? Less reported cases. Simple
  • BM February 28, 2025 at 12:45 pm on MI: ACLU Sues State Officials for the Fourth Time over Unconstitutional Michigan Sex Offender Registration ActThere is this case and People v Christopher Lee Johnson being held in abeyance pending outcome of this case at the MSC (this is the expo facto challenge to 2021 SORA). Hang on tight folks. These are the cases we need to WIN. Forget the federal case.
  • AlsoME February 28, 2025 at 12:43 pm on CA: Former Senate Bill Resurfaces, Could Significantly Expand Number of RegistrantsIf these thousands of people are all such Frightening and High Risks of continuing SO, where are all their victims? Now onto... Continuing to lay the groundwork needed to switch the Bottomless, worthless, increasingly difficult to justify money pit that is the Registry into a Limitless Cash Cow? Instead of just throwing everyone onto an expensive, resource draining, utterly valueless Registry... give people the "Option" to "Voluntarily" place themselves on lifetime PFR Parole? ALL the features of both the most restrictive Registry Requirements/Prohibitions IN ADDITION to ALL that comes with being on Parole? All "voluntary" and YOU PAY for everything... FOR LIFE? Ask me how? There are all kinds of reasons for the CA Dems to do this and plenty of bones they can toss to the Republicans to grease the wheels on this.
  • FactsShouldMatter February 28, 2025 at 11:57 am on ID: Idaho House widely passes bill to limit youth access to ‘indecent sexual exhibitions’Your stance is rooted more in religion than logic. Banning drag, trans images or whatever does nothing to protect innocence. When something is banned or forbidden, they will just seek it out that much harder. There is no established link or correlation that criminalizing drag magically "protects" children. Banning achieves nothing, it only delays an individual's introduction to it later on.
  • Bill February 28, 2025 at 11:33 am on CA: Former Senate Bill Resurfaces, Could Significantly Expand Number of RegistrantsThe reason it was so redacted is because certain people currently in government are on that list and the Trump administration wouldn't put that out. I can guarantee you if there were Democrats on that list, they would not hesitate to expose it. Which begs the question - why even go there in the first place to create a spectacle about the Epstein list if your own people are on it? Are they that stupid? - That last one was rhetorical.
  • Athena February 28, 2025 at 10:39 am on U.S. Sexual Assault Rate Continues to Decrease@Doc I agree there are multiple reasons for the decline, and nothing can be gleaned from this data as the main reason. I add timing to the list of potential reasons. The starting point is pre-Covid. People are still far less engaged in person these days and I believe the crimes they are looking at are physical, in-person crimes, as opposed to online crimes. The registry is not responsible for this drop, as we all know. People have become much less social and have moved much of any remaining social interests online.
  • Way too long February 28, 2025 at 10:28 am on Influencer Tate brothers, who face human trafficking charges in Romania, arrive in the USOr they are the President