CA Action Alert: Please Call and Send Letters Opposing Senate Bill 1128 that Could Add up to 32,000 to Registry

It’s time to be heard!  The Assembly Public Safety Committee will consider CA Senate Bill 1128 about two weeks from now on July 2.  We need to strongly oppose this bill because it could add up to 32,000 people to the registry.  Prior to the hearing, it’s important to call members of the committee as well as send letters to both committee members and the committee itself. Below is a list of committee members that includes office phone numbers and mailing addresses.  Letters can also be sent to the Public…

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AZ Action Alert: GOP bill would add all low-risk sex offenders to Arizona’s online registry

Source: 4/3/23 All low-risk sex offenders would be required to be listed on the sex offender registry under a Republican proposal that critics say is retroactive and would take away the discretion of law enforcement to review risk assessments.  Currently, the sex offender registry website must include any offender whose risk assessment has been determined to be a Level Two or Level Three, or any person assessed to be a Level One offender and whose victim was under 12 years old.  The proposed law, Senate Bill 1583 would punish…

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