AR: 6 new Arkansas sex offense bills including Halloween, grooming, positions of public trust, recording minors

[ – 2/26/19]   Click on each of these bills to read the details: SB 10: Prohibiting a registered sex offender from participating in certain Halloween-related activities. HB 1279: To amend the offense of sexually grooming a child. SB 183: To prohibit certain registered sex offenders from holding a position of public trust. SB 8: To prohibit a registered sex offender from recording a person under fourteen (14) years of age in certain circumstances; and to prohibit the unlawful use of a recording of a person under fourteen (14) years…

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CO, TN: Foxes Guarding the Henhouse in Colorado and Tennessee

[ – 6/13/18] Colorado’s House Bill 18-1427 to eliminate conflicts of interests within the state’s Sex Offender Management Board seemed like a sure thing. The measure had not only bipartisan support but also support of D.A.’s that prosecute sex offenders and the ACLU. Isn’t this the “dream team” that  government wants, all sides coming together for the good of the people and agreeing to support a bill. So on Monday, when Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper suddenly “VETOED” the legislation which was aimed at eliminating anything that could be perceived as a “conflict of…

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VA: Sex offenders in emergency shelters; notification registration (SB24)

[Richmond Sunlight]   Sex offenders in emergency shelters; notification registration. Provides that a registered sex offender who enters an emergency shelter designated by the Commonwealth or any political subdivision thereof and operated in response to a declared state or local emergency shall, as soon as practicable after entry, notify a member of the shelter’s staff who is responsible for providing security of such person’s status as a registered sex offender. The bill provides that the shelter’s staff may access the publicly available information on the Sex Offender and Crimes Against…

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Assembly Bill Would Authorize Cities, Counties to Adopt Presence Restrictions

Assemblyman William P. Brough introduced Assembly Bill 201 on January 29 that, if passed, would authorize cities and counties to pass laws that restrict where registered citizens may be present. Brough is a Republican member of the Assembly from Oange County. “This bill attempts to reverse decisions of the California Court of Appeal and Supreme Court made in 2014,” stated California RSOL President Janice Bellucci. “The bill would also reverse the positive results of lawsuits filed last year in federal district courts.” During 2014, a total of 26 lawsuits were…

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New Bill in Congress: HR-2083 which contains a very ODD provision affecting more than sex offenders

9-29-2013 Washington DC: Continuing in our effort to review bills in Congress we find something really odd in HR-2083 `Protecting Students from Sexual and Violent Predators Act’ whose alleged purpose is to screen potential employees of schools, and to re-screen actual employees of schools every five years. Before we get into our issue which revolves around ONE definition in this bill, here is the definition: (2) SEXUAL PREDATOR- The term `sexual predator’ means a person 18 years of age or older who has been convicted of, or pled guilty to, a…

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