CO: Greeley’s Alternative Homes for Youth works to rehabilitate juvenile sex offenders

[] Shayna Miller’s goal every day is to help the kids she works with do something in which they can take pride. That can include volunteer work, gardening, schoolwork, art and more. She hopes that way they’ll realize they can be more than the crime they committed. Miller is the executive director of Alternative Homes for Youth in Greeley, a nonprofit agency that works to teach, support and model healthy life skills to youth and families. About 60 percent of the boys in the program have committed a sexual offense,…

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WA: Home helps Walla Walla sex offenders stay on straight and narrow

[] About 860,000 registered sex offenders were living in the United States in 2016, according to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. Washington state Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs said Friday that 19,600 of those offenders are in this state. Today 124 of those live in Walla Walla County: 87 in the city, 17 in College Place, and the rest scattered up to Burbank. Seven sex offenders here are listed as homeless. Some of those, almost all low-level offenders, live in an ordinary-looking house in the Eastgate…

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Trump administration reduces support for prisoner halfway houses

[Reuters] The administration of President Donald Trump has been quietly cutting support for halfway houses for federal prisoners, severing contracts with as many as 16 facilities in recent months, prompting concern that some inmates are being forced to stay behind bars longer than necessary. The Federal Bureau of Prisons spokesman Justin Long confirmed the cuts in response to an email inquiry from Reuters, and said they only affect areas with small populations or underutilized centers. “The Bureau remains firmly committed to these practices, but has had to make some modifications…

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