MI: Police use license plate readers to arrest 6, including Wyandotte teacher, in undercover sex sting

Source: detroitnews.com 5/29/24 Six people, including a teacher in Wyandotte and two Venezuelan nationals, have been arrested on sex and prostitution charges after Taylor police and Homeland Security officials posed undercover and then used license plate readers and live-time cameras to pinpoint the suspects. The arrests stemmed from an investigation that ran from April 24-26 and involved both Taylor police and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Investigators used license plate readers to track alleged predators after they arranged online to meet the officers who’d posed as 14- and 15-year-old…

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GA: Tag reading cams going up at these schools to catch speeders, sex offenders

[wsbtv.com – 6/22/19] GWINNETT COUNTY, Ga. – School’s out, but new safety measures are already planned for the upcoming school year. New tag reading cameras are going up at four schools in Gwinnett County to catch speeders and sex offenders in school zones. “I believe it’ll be a great idea because the safety of our children is what’s important,” said parent Lauren Walker-Robertson. Content Continues Below … Officials are also working to allow the cameras access to the statewide offender database. That way, the cameras can read tags and alert…

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KY: Local police department’s new tool reads license plates automatically

[wpsdlocal6.com – 7/7/18] PADUCAH, KY – Another set of eyes are looking out for you, but these ones are electronic. We told you on Tuesday about an under-staffing problem at the Paducah Police Department. They need to hire about six more officers. But in the meantime, the department is getting some help from this pretty cool tool. John Smith is a patrol officer. He’s got a new partner that sits on the top of his car. “It doesn’t change my duties a lot. The license plate reader kind of does…

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