America needs a national terrorist registry to keep us safe

[ 5/10/18] Domestic terrorist Herman Bell is a free man, walking the streets. And if a New York judge has his way, fellow terrorist Judith Clarke will be free as well. This raises an increasingly important question: How many more convicted terrorists are already out there? It is impossible to answer accurately. Since the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, more than 500 people have been convicted in the U.S. of terrorist crimes. That number increases when you add in people, who – although investigated for terrorism – were allowed to…

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MI: Wyatt’s Law: Proposed legislation aims to create statewide child abuser registry

[] A local mother is fighting to fix a broken system that leaves children vulnerable to extreme abuse at the hands of repeat offenders. “It was like oh my God. My worst fears came true. I was right. His case came into the prosecutor’s office as a homicide because they didn’t expect him to pull through,” says Erica Hammel, who’s son nearly died as a result of physical abuse. Today, Erica’s son Wyatt lives with major injuries that have impacted his day to day life. “That’s the heartbreaking thing for…

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KS: Convicted of a Drug Crime, Registered with Sex Offenders

[] By Maurice Chammah In Kansas, even many minor drug offenders must appear on the state’s public registry. A new bill would change that. Amid the farm animals and food stalls at the Kansas State Fair last September, Amy Byers came upon a booth run by the state’s Bureau of Investigation. There was a computer you could use to search your address and find out if you live near a sex offender. You could also search by name. When her friends began joking that she should type in her own…

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