IN: Government & Politics ‘Obscene performance’ ban added to child abuse bill, official misconduct expungements weighed

Source: 3/20/25 Rep. Chris Jeter declined to say whether his amendment was aimed at drag queen story times.    Indiana lawmakers on Wednesday chose not to strip key provisions from legislation tightening handling of child sex abuse materials — yet — but did add a ban on any government-funded “obscene performance.” The House Committee on Courts and Criminal Code also moved a proposal allowing unelected officials convicted of official misconduct a path toward expungement. Senate Bill 326’s original purpose was replacing use of the phrase “child pornography” throughout Indiana Code with…

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IN: Sex offender questions meaning of ‘obscene’

[ – 11/25/18] When community corrections officers went to check on Nathaniel Bennett, who was serving an in-home sentence for sexual misconduct with a minor, they found a cellphone with videos of a couple having sex. The phone also had what was described as “selfies” of Bennett and about 10 pictures of a nude woman. The contents of the phone violated a court order which barred Bennett from possessing obscene material, prosecutors maintain. Bennett also reportedly failed to make court payments. Marion County Superior Court Judge Lisa Borges removed Bennett…

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