10 tips for parents to teach children about boundaries

Source: dailyherald.com 4/16/23 The statistics are sobering: one in three females and one in 20 males will experience sexual abuse or sexual assault by the time they reach age 17. The idea that anyone would sexually abuse a child is terrifying, especially for parents and caregivers. But like any risk our children might face, we need to be able to empower them with information that will help them recognize unsafe situations. April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, a good time to share the message that all people have the right…

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ID: The Idaho Children’s Trust Fund says prevention is more important than focusing on penalties for offenders

Source: idahonews.com 4/3/23 BOISE, Idaho (CBS2) — Many children in Idaho will be the victims of abuse and/or neglect. The Idaho Children’s Trust Fund says one in eight Idaho children will be the victim of sex abuse. Rather than focusing on penalties for offenders, Idaho Children’s Trust Fund Executive Director Roger Sherman says the focus should be on prevention. He says, “we as a community need to get behind all of the parents to provide positive work to provide the kind of skills folks need to give people the kind…

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