Thailand: U.S. teacher and TikTok star arrested in Thailand after having sex with a teenager

Source: 9/5/23 ACSOL note; Although we don’t normally post information about arrests, this is shocking and could serve as a warning to those who read our website and live overseas. BANGKOK, Thailand — An American teacher and TikTok star has been arrested in Thailand after allegedly having sex with a 16-year-old girl he met online, authorities said. Luke ____ was arrested on Saturday in the Thai capital, Bangkok, according to police. He appeared in court on Monday night and was released on bail. The girl’s family said he passed…

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MA: Ex-Roman Catholic cardinal, now 92, is not competent to stand trial in sex abuse case, expert says

Source: 6/29/23 BOSTON (AP) — Former Roman Catholic Cardinal Theodore McCarrick is not competent to stand trial on charges accusing him of sexually assaulting a teenage boy in Massachusetts decades ago, an expert for the prosecution says, raising doubts about the future of the criminal case against the 92-year-old. Prosecutors this week disclosed the findings of their expert to the judge, who will ultimately rule on the once-powerful American prelate’s ability to face charges that he abused the boy at a wedding reception at Wellesley College in 1974. McCarrick…

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Juvenile detention staff who sexually victimized children face few legal sanctions, study says

Source: 4/1/23 Most juvenile detention staff who sexually victimized children faced no legal repercussions for their actions, according to a U.S. Department of Justice report that examined substantiated incidents from 2013 through 2018. The Bureau of Justice Statistics study released Friday found that among 499 substantiated incidents, perpetrators faced legal action 31% of the time, and that incidents were typically handled internally, with a reprimand or discipline, demotion or temporary suspension. In half the cases, the violator was discharged, terminated or their contract not renewed. “These findings are a grim illustration of how children in…

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WA: Say what? Child sex victims must prove they’re not wed to abuser? Scrub this law now

[ – 2/17/21] Part of the job of a lawmaker is to be a law eraser. Washington legislators are sometimes asked to scrub anachronistic language from the statute books, not just because it’s embarrassing and offends our contemporary values, but because it can have damaging consequences today. Consider laws from the early 1900s that condoned sex between adults and children as young as 10 years old, as long as they were married. Believe it or not, this language has persisted for more than a century in state law, making Washington…

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CA: Reports of online child sex abuse surge amid pandemic

[ – 5/22/20] Law enforcement officials in Los Angeles and across the country have been overwhelmed in recent months by a surge in tips about online child sex abuse, with social media platforms and other service providers flagging explicit content and suspicious interactions at an alarming rate. With schools closed, youth activities canceled and kids spending more time online under stay-at-home orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic, sexual predators have ramped up their efforts to solicit pictures and videos, officials say. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, a…

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