Oct 23 – Anaheim City Council / Parks Ban

On October 23rd, City of Anaheim City Council Meeting, 5 pm – the Anaheim City Council will re-visit the proposed Parks and Recreational Area Ban. California ROSL members spoke at the item’s introduction. View video. Join us on October 23rd! 29.               ORDINANCE NO.      6256    (ADOPTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM adding Sections 7.60.010 through 7.60.040, inclusive, of Chapter 7.60 of Title 7 of the Anaheim Municipal Code relating to child safety zones (Introduced at the Council Meeting of October 9, 2012, Item No. 16).

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Judge asked to temporarily block Simi’s Halloween sex offender law

A federal judge was asked Friday to temporarily block enforcement of Simi Valley’s new Halloween sex offender law. The judge could rule as early as next week. The motion for a temporary restraining order was filed with U.S. District Court Judge Percy Anderson in Los Angeles by attorney Janice Bellucci, who last month filed a federal lawsuit that argued the law is unconstitutional. Bellucci contends the law violates the First and 14th Amendments of the Constitution because it “suppresses and unduly chills protected speech and expression. Full Article

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Simi Valley police check up on sex offenders

Simi Valley detectives conducted a sex registrant compliance check Saturday morning in the city, officials said. The checks were made between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m. throughout the city, police said. Authorities said of 120 registered sex offenders in Simi Valley, 105 were found to be in compliance with their registration requirements. Detectives will continue to investigate the other 15 people who were not at their residence during the checks to determine whether they have violated any requirements, officials said. Full Article

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