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ATTENTION: Beginning January 1, 2013, the Department of Justice is required by law to post static risk assessment scores for sex offender registrants who are eligible to be scored (Penal Code § 290.03-290.09). For information relating to risk assessments, eligibility, and scoring, please visit the State Authorized Risk Assessment Tool for Sex Offenders (SARATSO) Web site at
Hi, I have a question and I’m not sure if this is the place to ask but he goes; I will be married soon to a RSO and I have two children. One of which is his will I have any issues with child and family services? Do I have any rights as a spouse to be of a RSO?I have no criminal back ground not even so much as a parking ticket.I have seen first hand how these California laws are so unfair and it makes me so very angry. I worry that my children can be taken from me,is there anything I or my husband to be can do before we marry to avoid any problems? We currently do not live together. Thank you
Just to be clear:
I believe the singular point of our involvement with RSOL in any state is to promote federal suits by competent legal professionals, such as Janice Bellucci. Any other involvement, such as filing at the local or state levels, are pragmatically not feasible as such lawsuits can virtually set up invitations for legislatures to “wordsmith” around decisions that are lost by the state.
Once the lawsuits are successfully rendered, then more active involvement at the legislative level can be prioritized. But in my 7 years of actively monitoring sex offender issues, no action other than federal suits are going to bring about any systematic change to the system.
United States Draconian Laws
Other Countries are refusing to extradite due to barbaric justice system interesting read
Orange County D.A accused of being unfair. I’m surprised there are not hundreds of stories saying he is unfair. The guy has serious problems and should not be in Public office.
Awareness of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.
I’ve noticed a renewed awareness of U.S. citizens constitutional rights due to this gun thing they have going on. Whether it be the published lists of gun owners or just basic infringements on citizens rights to bear arms. More than once I have heard the comparison that gun owners are like rso’s a threat to the community and need to be on a list. Pretty soon every one in the U.S. will be on someones LIST.
My opinion is that with the internet evolving the way it has in the last 20 years any list of any kind is a direct invasion of privacy. Does any one remember that “The right to privacy”
I was accused of improper touching my Grand-Daughter and was kept in jail for almost two years, sent to Napa State Hospital for three years for being incompetence but was sent back to jail in a month as being component, but wait a few more month to go to court, I ask for a lie detector test in every law enforcement agency but was turned down. My Ex-wife wanted me in a rest home but I did not want to go to one ,so a lie was trumped up By family to get rid of me as I had been wrestling with her as she was a mix martial arts, and they used this against me, and with a forty year old case brought against me by my ex-wife’s Daughter, who said in the hearing that it was all a lie. my grant- daughter refused to have a medical exam. I Was convicted with no evidence at all. the court made me a offer of timed served with no parole or probation, or they said they would give me 11 years if I lost the case. so after almost two years in jail I plead no contest to get out of jail, and was still put on probation and tried to be put on parole. I have all the proof but the court would not even look at it or sent some one to investigate.
Been thinking about it and I think that instead of listing sex offenders online it would be much better to list murders. It could the registered life offenders list. Of course why stop there, thieves could go on the registered possession offenders list.
Personally, I would be much more concerned about dying or having my car stolen than knowing who got caught peeing in a public park!
Another public employee school teacher middle school is
only charged seven misdemeanor counts with three girls…
Whatha…every week..if not every day..some public personnel
is exposed for their sexual contact with students..yet..their
charges and sentence is no where near someone else if acts
where the same…the so called tough on crime are hypocrites
as some school personnel are running loose…its not those forced
to be on a list to watch for…its Those Public Personnel who are
Final days to sign petition at the White House……ldren/lQpfXHrm
Thank you RSOL for your efforts on fighting for constitutional rights for offenders. The system is out of control and the public is in fear. Thanks to Oprah, Dr. Phil and such, the public has their beliefs that all offenders are predators and they all need to be put on an island. I’ve conversed with many on this subject on different sites and the majority are heartless when talking about offenders. I posed a question to them that nobody really had an answer for. When a 24 year old male has sex with a 14 year old girl, she’s a victim and he’s a pervert. But if this same 14 year old girl killed someone, then she’s viewed as an adult. The law currently can try a 10 year old as an adult. So what defines a child in this country is not really based on age (except when sex is involved), but rather the actions of the child. Any child can make a sexually accusation and the accused is pretty much done for. But if a child shoots someone, then they are somehow considered an adult. This all needs to change.
On that same note, there’s a nasty double standard here in this country. Like the blonde teacher that told the judge she was too pretty for jail and he agreed. WTF? No male would get that. I see many guys who would like to sting up an adult male who had sex with an under 18 girl. But yet they would love to be the boy who is molested by their hot teacher. I asked some what is the ok sex age for teens. Nobody really knew. There was and article about teachers having sex with their students and one lady replied that teachers shouldn’t have sex with their students because they were mere children, but said it was ok for two 15 year olds to do it. I replied so it’s ok for two 15 year old children to have sex with each other? She deleted me.
We probably should shift this to another topic because it has nothing to do with the legislation being proposed.
However, it bears noting that everything in this world has to do with sex, except sex itself which has to do with power. This is why so much of the world is confused, angry, frustrated and terrified about, well,
We cannot change the course of this social disease, but we can help to protect those whose lives have been damaged by it. In many cases we’re dealing with the ‘walking wounded’ who first must relieve the bitterness before healing.
Godspeed, my brother. Walk straight.
After over six months of unemployment I finally received a job offer today!
It has been a difficult time in my life as the past year has found me dealing with bankruptcy, housing issues, unemployment and a divorce. My new job utilizes the degree I worked hard for during this time of reinventing myself and is a step towards a career path instead of just a job. More importantly, I feel validated.
I can’t help but stop and think of all of the help and support I have received along the way: the program that helped me get some basic health care when I had some pressing medical needs; the local food bank that put food in my stomach when my unemployment couldn’t cover all the bills; the state unemployment office that investigated and came to the conclusion that my previous employer fabricated a story that I had been fired with cause, when I was not. Most of all, I am grateful for the love and support of my sister, family and my close friends who all kept reminding me that if I just keep getting up every day and doing whatever I could, that this dark time in my life will pass.
And then there is CA RSOL, a shining beacon in the vast ocean of intolerance…a place where I can come and feel like I’m not alone and that someone out there is fighting for me. Janice and each and every one of the contributors on this website, I cannot thank you all enough.
My fight is far from over, but I am starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel that I don’t believe is a train coming at me this time. Early next month I will stand before a judge to have my record expunged and now that I am gainfully employed I will start to become more involved with RSOL to do what I can to find a place for a meeting in the Bay Area.
There were many days where I had to will myself to get out of bed and felt like I had nothing to fight or live for, but by taking it one day at a time I finally feel like I’m turning a corner in my life. I believe that I am becoming the man I always hoped I would be. For the first time in 5 years I have hope.
Keep up the fight…I truly believe that by all of us working together we can make a huge difference, and that one day we can move on with our lives in the privacy and dignity we all so richly deserve.
I just watched a somewhat patriotic movie and found myself sad at the end. It took me a couple of minutes to realize what I was sad about…being proud of my country.
Let me clarify that….I was sad because I miss being proud of my country.
From the Statement of Private First-Class Bradley Manning:
“‘M.I.’ retired from the D.O.D. after 28 years and firmly believe our government often classifies information under the guise of “nation security” when the REAL reason is just to hide immoral, illegal, unconscionable and or unconstitutional acts/exploits from the public. That in itself is bad enough but even worse is that most Americans like it that way because knowledge of the truth forces moral responsibility, accountability and conscience into play. Compliantly accepting everything the government tells them as truth, while blissfully ignoring everything the government is actually doing, accounts for our nation’s current state of affairs. Buckle-up, It’s only going to get worse…..and collectively as a nation, we deserve it.”
You see, it’s not just the blatant assault against American Citizens, they’re actively trying to destroy the United States Of America by slowly, but irrevocably corroding the moral fiber of our families, communities, neighborhoods, towns and cities, voting districts, counties, states, and ultimately our Constitutionally ordained Federal Government.
The enemy is within. We cannot hope to provoke a change in a culture obsessed with fear. We can confront on the basis of Human Rights, but they have demonstrated that this means nothing in their pursuit of power. And they will prevail.
Save yourself. Leave the U.S. if you possibly can. You cannot fight them……
Right now………………………………………….
Just a random observation, but this article caught my eye as it demonstrates how absurd the mainstream media has become.
In this tragic case of murder of a teenage girl, the accused is a career criminal (of the regular kind) and there has been no report of any sexual component in this crime.
Yet the article feels the need to state (in several paragraphs) that the accused is NOT a 290 registrant. Like that is a surprise? And if he were, he might not be on the web site anyway. How would that have helped that poor girl in the alley?
He probably is NOT a whole lot of other things, but no mention of that.
For shame…
I see now California wants to be really sure No Sex Offender’s have guns now…