NY: Bill O’Reilly – Gun Owners Compared To Sex Offenders

Former New York City mayoral candidate and author Mark Green advocated for new legislation that would allow people to identify and locate gun owners who lived in their neighborhoods. He compared it to the already existing “Megan’s Law,” which lets citizens know if a convicted sex offender lives near them. Then he flat-out compared sex offenders to gun owners. “If we have a Megan’s Law — because I think almost everyone might agree — that if you’re a convicted child molester, a neighbor might want to know that because they’re…

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California State Supreme Court to hear Jessica’s Law challenge

Today, more than two years after declining to rule on a law restricting where paroled sex offenders can live, the California Supreme Court agreed to again hear the case. Passed by voters in November 2006, Jessica’s Law includes a provision that bars parolees who’ve committed a sexual offense from living within 2,000 feet of a school or park. A challenge over the residency restriction’s constitutionality and to whom the Jessica’s Law applies made its way up to the Supreme Court in 2010. The court declined to rule on the residency…

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