Two Victories for California RSOL

California RSOL has scored two victories in the cities of Simi Valley and Lancaster where city councils have agreed to relieve registrants from the burdens of sex offender ordinances passed in September 2012. The city of Simi Valley ordinance required registrants to post signs on the front door of their homes on Halloween while the city of Lancaster ordinance severely limited where registrants could live and visit. “These are two significant wins for CA RSOL,” stated Janice Bellucci, President of California RSOL. “In both cities, the civil rights of registrants…

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City of Lancaster Modifies Registered Sex Offender Ordinance

On March 12, 2013 the Lancaster City Council voted, in a first reading, to modify its current ordinance imposing restrictions and regulations on places that persons required to register under PC 290 may frequent. The modified ordinance includes restrictions only related to Halloween (see below). California RSOL attended several hearings last fall and spoke against the ordinance, and advised the City Council that the ordinance, as approved at that time, was unconstitutional and was going to be challenged in court. Source:, select March 12, 2013 and jump to…

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