California RSOL Challenges Websites in Federal District Court

California Reform Sex Offender Laws (CA RSOL) filed a lawsuit in federal district court today challenging websites which identify individuals as sex offenders and include their personal information including names, photos, and home addresses as well as demand up to $500 for removal of that information from the websites. Offendex – Press Release

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Janice, you ought to put an office in the Federal Court building there in L.A.! Fantastic news. The only reason these sites were able to hang around was because of the public’s acceptance of the heaps of abuse poured upon sex offenders and their families.

Now, Offendex has been sued before, but the perpetrator who runs the site has not accepted a subpoena. Hopefully with a federal lawsuit alleging criminal charges, the ****s won’t have anywhere to go to but to answer to the judge.

Any chance we can see the actual complaint? Thanks!

Eric we need to clear something up here. The ****’s have nothing to do with this. In the beginning of our investigation many people were frantically trying to get ahold of information and because of this the ****’s were mistakenly implicated as the owners of these sites. So let’s not start this up again about the ****’s as they have been through enough already. Thank you Eric.


I apologize, my information was obtained from previous court document sources. You indeed are correct. There is a lot more to the story and involvement, but legally, ethically, and morally, certain elements are not in the picture.

It’s just that we’ve been looking at this issue separately for over a year and unearthed several borderline legal, but still actionable, activities, but we didn’t have the resources to fully investigate and consider a true case in which the only way to fight it is, in fact, with non-current registrants and their families as litigants, and with the legal firepower of a consolidated federal case.

Janice, you are heaven-sent. I just got my COR and now have to deal with all these websites. I am donating $500 to your cause, instead of those freaky sites.

I hope you can get all of them. I’ve been trying without success to get my name off these, via emails and contact forms:

The only one that complied was

Dear latest anon as of March 21st at 11:09am: Take heart. I was able to have myself removed from city-data and homefacts due to the fact that I am no longer required to register. I am a participant in this lawsuit and Janice Bellucci is a Godsend. I hope these s***heads rot in hell, and I will be there when they are convicted of racketeering, false light, defamation, slander, extortion, and the like.

What would we need to do to be included in this lawsuit if it helps to have more plaintiffs. My wife and daughter are directly affected by my status as an RSO and how these sites come up anytime my name is searched.

have those people replied to this ?

This bit at the bottom of sorarhive’s offender pages might be construed as spreading libel, if the offender is no longer listed on the Megan’s Law website:

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