County Offers Alerts on Convicted Sex Offender Movements

San Diego County residents can sign up to get an email when a convicted sex offender moves into their neighborhood.

Under the Registered Sex Offender E-mail Notification System, residents can sign up to be notified when a convicted sex offender moves in or out of their zip code within San Diego County. The new program was unveiled at the San Diego County Sheriff’s DepartmentTuesday. Full Article

San Diego County News Conference
Registered Sex Offender E-mail Notification System

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Wow, I’m appalled by this article. We presently have a State Instituted web site with Sex Offenders photos and home addresses? Then, we have sex offenders banned from parks, schools, beaches, libraries and more? Yet, this city official still wants more? Notice his statement, dangerous? What about the Grandpa convicted 40 years ago? These crazy laws are created hysteria, hatred and more? Whats next? Doesn’t anyone realize statistics don’t lie (1.3%)? These laws are also scaring Sex Offenders! In summary, this will simply increase the number of sex offenders scared to register.

How much did / does this cost? How was / is this funded? Was there a RFP?

Another fear mongering brand of misinformation. I hope the sheriff gets up to speed on the other numerous dangerous individuals and their movements in and around the county. I can’t believe someone who offended once thirty years ago is any more dangerous than someone recently let out of prison for kidnapping and murder. Anyone who has been twice convicted of murder or manslaughter should be on this list. As far as the general classification of dangerous criminals, the sheriff is again opting to bypass the facts revealed by the state and obscure the truth possibly for his own popularity and maybe future runs at other government offices. There certainly are offenders of all categories that represent danger to others so why not step up to the plate and do the real work of keeping all people safe from all truly dangerous criminals. There are gang members that have killed innocent children in the crossfire of gang warfare. I would think that anyone that has done this is certainly a dangerous criminal the public needs to know about. How about using the facts, rather than fear, to get things done the right way and none of this grandstanding.

I find it interesting that the same disturbed logic that goes into justifying child molesting is used to harm the offenders and their innocent families.
May I suggest counseling sheriff?

Alot of those “Safe” sites online do that also.. Send you a text alert or email when someone moves in or out of the area

I believe the entire matter could be cleared up if civic leaders, legislators, law enforcement, politicians, hate mongers and fear mongers alike would kindly and correctly replace the term Dangerous with Disgusting.

As society loathes this beleaguered class of individuals for their crimes, the state’s own statistics fly in the face of the rhetoric and the momentum politicians keep using while beating the hate drum and pounding these lies into the insatiable public’s ears and psyches. While being disgusting isn’t a crime in itself, it would be better for public policy and lend some order into managing this problem rather than reintroducing hysteria and mob reaction every time someone needs a prurient salvo for their political advantage. Truth appears to be a commodity desperately lacking in this complicated and chaotic arena.

That said, we can only hope and pray that fewer and fewer politicians stoop to these lows to improve the public’s perception of their approach to governance while they strive towards that apparently elusive understanding and practice of what the founding fathers put in place and what makes fear mongering such a slovenly and cowardly approach to leadership.

There is far too much at stake for the fabric of liberty and what makes us a free country to be handed over to any public leader who is not up to the task of representing Americans who are all affected ultimately by any fraying of the constitution, the Bill of Rights, and all the protocols that make us and free countries throughout the world different and better than regimes and ideologies we supposedly despise and are a respite from. These are responsibilities that cannot be taken lightly as appears to be in political vogue for many bottom feeding civic leaders.

We need then to pray that our leadership has the wisdom to understand these constitutional protections and the strength and perseverance to afford them to all Americans.

Wo wo woooooo ..sandiego… bout you sound the ole
cold war era air raid horn when a person enters the city….
if you’re gonna have your people live to be afraid and fear…
how bout making it sound like it too.