FL: Threats posted on Facebook are crimes

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) – A Florida appeals court has decided that posting threats on one’s personal Facebook page can be prosecuted under the state’s “sending written threats to kill or do bodily harm” law. 

The 1st District Court of Appeal on Monday ruled in a case that a Facebook post could be considered a “sending” for the purposes of the law. Article

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Bottom line: If any RSO is threatened in ANY way in an online posting, please take it seriously and take the time to file a criminal complaint in the jurisdiction that you live. Do not just complain to get the threat taken down. I will be coming up with a comprehensive strategy for such an action.

NOTE: Though this is a California-centric website, if you are in Florida, and you have been threatened online do to a news report or other public notification, then make sure you contact the State police along with our local jurisdiction. Make the cops and sheriffs work for you; you have every right, and now the Supreme Court in Florida has mandated such an action.

EVEN GENERIC THREATS are attacks against you if you are part of the group. RSO. So comments such as “What to do with RSO’s? Simple! Bullet in the head!” or similar comments should be reported. Now, 99% of the reports may not get follow-through action, but you WILL take up LE time and an investigation and action on preventing such criminal activity will have to be looked into sooner or later.

I’m amazed to see this kind of judgment come down. What will happen is selective enforcement. If a registrant receives threats it won’t matter, but if a RSO were to threaten it’ll be on national news and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Kinda Works out that way. I sold my salon and was cheated out of $30,000 after the buyer found out I was an RSO the the police said that’s a civil matter, but if I was to rob a bank of $30,000 or the shoe was on the other foot I’d be the one slammed. Kind of messed up!!!

then we need to serve this to facebook and let them know that they are promoting a hate crime.
I m wondering if janice would be so kind to file this in federal court and serve this to facebook headquarter since they both are in California.

Thank yuo

here’s couple hate crimes on facebook…

http://awesomescreenshot.com/0b712lbm53 (link will be here for about a month)


thank you …

Anyone know if/when face book is going to get prosecuted for disallowing use of their business service to registrants in violation of 290? How about if they are held accountable for their complicity in these hate crimes? The AG should start at the top, maybe that would get some attention. MB can certainly afford to pay damages.

That’s quite odd that threats on Facebook are crimes, but receiving a death threat over the phone is not…? Having windows shot out, tires slashed twice and house egged are all coincidences? Gosh, I guess being a RSO means crimes committed against me aren’t really crimes at all? I’m so confused!