IN: Pence signs into law changes to sex offender registry

Changes are coming to Indiana’s sex offender registry, thanks to a new law signed by Gov. Mike Pence Thursday.

HEA 1053 requires the Indiana Department of Correction to remove information from the online public portal of the sex offender registry relating to a sex or violent offender who no longer is required to register or is deceased. The new law also adds the vehicle identification number of the vehicle owned or regularly operated by the offender to the information he or she is required to provide for sex offender registration. Driver’s licenses or ID cards must contain the offender’s current address and physical description. Full Article

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They needed a new law to remove dead registrants from the registry? ha ha ha, your killing me. No more please!

Here in good ol’ California, we’ve been having to provide the vehicle ID number when registering for years. It’s good that now the law required removal of some info, but shouldn’t that be the case anyway?

Wow.. If that was in California we all be screwed.. I moved 3 times, and still have the my first address in California on my driver license.. apparently California is so broke they don’t send you a new driver license with your current address. .. Here the people on the website who have died are labeled in violation on the website… guess they missed their yearly re-registering has of 1999 and the cops haven’t start to comb the place or do a intense investigation why the guy disappeared… seriously look at the obituaries cops, would make your life easier.. or even the deceased SSI database

While I am not a gearhead – there is quite a difference between a license plate and a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). License plates are big colorful metal things with numbers and letters, are very visible and can change every day of the year. The VIN is the little metal strip permanently affixed to the car and is a unique identifier. It is NOT viewable by the public. As such it serves no purpose protecting the public from marauding sex offenders.

The requirement to update the drivers license also serves no protective purpose to the public. Any Law Enforcement Officer has at their fingertips all current information about any registrant in the state (country?). What it is is another burden due to a past transgression, as no person in this entire country is required, under threat of prosecution, to be in possession of a drivers license with a current address and physical description.

H*ll, one would not be able to be pulling off that weight from the Carter Administration… I always thought that “lying” about your weight on your drivers license was a Basic Right in this country…

The provision to remove corpses from the registry is just laughable. Keeping dead people on the registry serves what protective purpose???

If the breaking point about these laws is not reached soon… I continue to be proven wrong 🙁

Well, I guess I can rule out suicide as a means of sparing my family the indignity of my being on the registry.
Won’t my wife be disappointed.

I just had a humorous thought.. What if the families of the deceased sue the state since the “duty” of registering is for life.. not the after life? Further punishing the individual after death is pretty excessive.. :p

I hate to tell you people you can not deny a child molester or a sex offender a place to rent that is discrimination and yes you can get sued for that for all these realtors and owners and manager a friend of mine we was set up with a teen who lied about there age and someone denied him housing they end off getting sued over that no they don’t need to be around kids only if they have been convicted of it. But when someone is being set up this needs to be reconsidered on getting housing they can get jobs but housing needs to be reconsidered a child molester or a sex offender doesn’t need to live on the streets they have rights like you and I do.