MI: Bill to restrict certain RSO re. their interaction with minors

Michigan Senator Tonya Schuitmaker has introduced Senate Bill 454 which by any standard should be considered unconstitutional. Given it was introduced the end of July, it is FIRST intended to be a Halloween restrictions bill, but reading the bill shows us it extends 365 days of the year and to circumstances far beyond Halloween; Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and to other types of celebrations. And for those certain sex offenders who are required to register for a lifetime, a lifetime restriction. Read more

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Aaaah yes… not even Labor Day yet but legislators are starting to fall all over themselves in this year’s Halloween free-for-all. Surprising this is not designated an “Emergency Measure”. I mean, what are the odds of Halloween rolling around in the Fall?

According to the language in this bill it will be, forever, a crime to offer a beverage or a snack, any snack, to a friend of your teenage son or daughter. In your home, anywhere. What would Emily Post say?

On a related subject, whatever happened to the Halloween ordinance in Simi Valley? I thought it was successfully challenged. It looks like the full restriction is still in force.



Prisoners in Michigan serve longer sentences than in any other state. That’s according to a recent Pew study, which finds lengthy sentences have bloated the state’s corrections budget. Michigan spends more than two billion dollars a year on prisons.

The average sentence in Michigan is 4.3 years. That compares with a national average of 2.9 years.

Michigan’s prison population has grown faster than the state’s general population and the crime rate.

One would think this would lower the crime rate but it didnt. It just increased debt to the Michigan tax payer.

A older prison population means higher health care costs. Recently it was ruled that all kids sentenced to die in Michigan prisons get a second chance.

Michigan is forth with the highest rate if sex offenders in the U.S.

I don’t believe the United States believes in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I find reading it similar to what was once known as our Consitution and the Bill of Rights.

Sex offenders have certain fundamental rights just as being human beings in a civilized society.

Using we need to protect our selves from you guys and not done in a fair individual way is a lynch mob that is at least partially to blame for a enormous deficit.

Detroit has a $327 million dollar deficit and 30,000 former city workers may very well loose retirement pensions.

It might be time to look more closely at politicians and the need to punish and spend and the lynch mob that disregards other factors in expanding the sex offender registry rather than trying to control it.

For those of you interested search talk shoe and you will find some excellent Internet radio podcasts that really are very informational. Type in sex offender to see folks that cover these topics! Sex offender issues has a Halloween study that is recent and very interesting and ARC is a really good source of information that will help in understanding sex offender laws. Every episode you will learn very informative information to understand sex offender laws.

So when your child asks why he can’t have his friends over, you have to tell him the law sees your father as the bogey man. But you can conceal your identity to your own kid? It’s OK to be a bogey man to your own kid. After all as had been said concerning a certain slain son of a suspected terrorist, “he should have chosen a better father”