Canada: Father killed with one punch after being mistaken for a pedophile

MONTREAL – The Crown wants a six-year prison sentence for a 21-year-old man who killed a Montreal father with a single punch.

The victim, Iqbal Ahmed, was simply trying to bring his wayward teen daughter home but other teens attacked him, thinking he was a pedophile.

A judge will decide Francis Belanger’s fate in December following sentencing hearings that ended this week. Full Article

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This proves the hysteria has gone way too far. It’s time to stop the madness! That girl has now not just defied her father, but has lost her father because someone overreacted. This young man needs to be charged with first degree murder, not just six years in prison.

One has to wonder if claiming a belief that the victim was a pedophile is a way of excusing this violence. Consider the public support vigilantes receive. If he was “only trying to rid the world of a monster” he is not a bad guy.

I wonder if this will become an accepted alibi for murder? “Honest, your Honor, he was attempting to molest my child/neighbor/friend!” (whatever). If that works it could become “He looked like he wanted to molest someone.” And for people who looked at illegal images on the computer, “He was thinking about molesting someone, so he had to die!”

The public SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY is ONLY USEFUL as a HIT LIST for targeting those FORCED TO BE LISTED on it by these predators! It servers no other function – PERIOD!

The government WANTS this – they want it function as a DEATH SENTENCE; both a social death sentence AND in increasing more cases an ACTUAL DEATH SENTENCE!

The government is supporting, if not actively encouraging MURDER of a select group of its citizens – DISGUSTING!

Thank you for listening and have a nice day – Lee

Beware folks…..this is Clear……this is CLEAR….you’re monsters are the ones NOT on registry…..they’re NOT
on registry……More Likely Than Not Your Sex Crime Today
was from someone NOT in registry……………also there are some innocent people listed where a crooked trial can occur……tampered evidence and falsify jury instruction
….the registry is a crooked trial gone wrong.

I do agree with Kathie, because one is presumed to be a sex offender, that becomes an accepted alibi for mayhem, assault and murder. I know it’s encouraged in prison and jail by the guards, police turn a blind eye towards property destruction and defacing (from personal experience) and the hype against SO’s gets louder and stronger each day. We’re not allowed to legally protect ourselves or our property, and people just say tough s**t, shouldn’t have sinned in the first place. To those who show mercy, mercy will be given…there will be a day of reckoning.

I totally agree with “Tired of hiding” Just once I would like to see some statistics/facts that prove the public registry protects anyone. I’ve never heard any facts being mentioned (unless they are in error) or correct statistics being quoted. I am beginning to believe this is because the statistics and facts/truth would contradict all the hysterical claims made by supporters of the public registry.

So let’s get it straight; “dangerous” RSO’s recidivism rate is about 2%, correct? That is taken a whole for that population and that number includes all non-sexual related crimes, like failing to register or other non violent crimes. Chicago has had more youth homicides than military deaths in Afghanistan this year, Detroit leads the nation in youth homicides and New York City’s a close second. What are they doing “for the children” in those cities? Has Megan’s Law website saved any of them, made those cities any more safe for the children? Nope!