Orange County Deputies Fired After Brutal Jail Killing Want More Taxpayer Money

While a group of inmates inside “F Barracks” at Orange County’s Theo Lacy Jail beat, kicked, stomped and sodomized another inmate for as long as 40 minutes on October 5, 2006, Deputy Kevin Taylor, the senior ranking officer with oversight responsibilities for the area, sat on the other side of a large window and later claimed he was too busy to hear the victim screaming for his life or to see any hint of the gruesome killing reminiscent of a hyena attack.

Though prisoners insisted Taylor informed inmate shot-callers that victim John Derek Chamberlain was a child molester (untrue) and gave a green light for the attack, the Orange County Sheriff’s Department (OCSD) deputy claimed ignorance of the event, asserting that he’d spent the time reclining in an easy chair, watching a Cops rerun on television and sending 22 personal text messages to friends. Full Article

The Chamberlain Files
John Chamberlain Murder Trial: Judge Rules to Exclude Evidence of Alleged Cover-Up

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You know its got to the point in life where if someone even thinks you are a child molester you get killed in your own home even through your crime has nothing to do with a child, and same goes for a person who never committed a crime.. Its like some sort of keyword “child molester” that makes everyone around think they are exempt from the law and behave like a pack of hyenas.. Far harsher laws should go towards people who threaten or kill someone they think is a “child molester”, it shouldn’t be any form of feeling they are doing the world a service..

Especially since it involved sodomizing. Wouldn’t that be poetic justice for these creeps, to carry the term “sex offender” with them, during their incarceration.

This is about the sickest story I’ve ever read. I spent a short time in LA County 18 years ago and was horrified by what I saw! I was more afraid of the cops, then inmates! I’m in shock! Why isn’t this scumbag being prosecuted! Prior to my legal issue, I always believed in LE and felt or viewed those arrested as scumbags! My view has since changed? Fullerton PD? Rampart? A female officer in LA recently charged (LA Times) with beating to death a female handcuffed! The list just goes on and on. In summary, while not attempting to sound bad, why should we trust the officer who pulls us over for a traffic infraction? There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t read about dishonest officers (New York undercover partaking in the motorcycle gang chasing down the SUV). During my time in LA County, I saw inmates pushed/shoved, struck, abused, verbally abused, prevented from receiving medical care and the list goes on and on! I’m Caucasian, hold a graduate degree, live in both an upscale and high end area. As such, I can only wonder how those individuals living in lower socially economic areas view LE? This is truly a terrible article and the big question I have is this? Where cameras present? What happened to those individuals who participated in the MURDER?

This is just another example of the double standard we are forced to endure. Chamberlain is a murderer and should be tried as such. He set it up. The courts need to take responsibility for their part too; every time they let a criminal offense committed by someone the public depends on for safety and trust commits a crime and the courts let it go (in this case a murderer walks free with a pocket full of our money) it is sending a negative and dangerous message of near impunity that perpetuates the problem of sub standard people in law enforcement. In this instance, a man murdered because of prejudice based misinformation. It’s getting scary being an American living under the unjust laws that we are compelled to live under.

You’ve noticed that too Larry? Yes, law enforcement legal criminals. It used to be that a bad cop was an exception, and now it’s not the least bit unusual. I would bet that other law enforcement officers present or that had first hand knowledge to this murder were high fiving and patting his back saying “good job!” These legal murderers are under some impression that they’re doing a great and good service by directly or indirectly killing SO’s or RSO’s. I think that it is an unwritten rule of law enforcement, from the top down, to make life most miserable for SO’s.

If you recall, the last sheriff of OC was fired and sent to prison! From what I understand, he still receives a pension and later went back to court with the accusation he hurt his back on the job? I’m also aware that the LA Times just sued LA to have the right to obtain the records of rogue/bad cops? As I get older, I’m beginning to view most LE as individuals who are both corrupt and liars! How many officer involved shootings do you see get prosecuted/they do anything to avoid prosecuting! Did you read about the recent Deputy who was involved in like 4-5 shootings?

Hi MCH; I believe he wasn’t convicted. What happened to innocent until proven guilty?
Here is the double standard I’m talking about. That cop made his self judge, jury and executioner/murderer. This cop is more of a threat to society than anyone on the registry.