Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of November 2013. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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On the Orange County Board of Supervisors Agenda for November 5 – an ordinance dealing with dangerous and vicious dogs (those that have bitten without provocation), including the creation of a web site to list said animals. #29
It is noteworthy that the dogs are entitled to a hearing prior to declaration and public display. (page 4)
I would like to make a general comment to all the other RSO who read this website. I would like to state that you are part of a brave group of people. We have been labeled as evil dowers and labeled as outcasts undeserving to live with the decent folk of this great country.
Well, I have to say, hogwash, BS, and I don’t think so! You/we are just as worthy of breathing the same air as everyone else. We have the right to go anywhere we want. We have the right to say anything we want. We have value and just as much of it as any other citizen in this country.
DO NOT LABEL YOURSELF a sex offender. You are first and foremost a citizen of the USA. You may have a something in your past (as everyone else walking the planet does) BUT THAT DOESN’T DEFINE WHO YOU ARE.
You become what you think about. Again, you are not a sex offender…that is a label THEY put on you. You are an individual and not part of some faceless group. You are a citizen with rights. Be proud of who YOU are. You are not a number or a label.
Have a great holiday season and I want all of us to continue to be strong. Even if things never change (and they are slowly) no one can control your mind. You are still in control of that. Hold your head up high…do not let others tell you who or what you are!
Hi Tired of hiding. I too am tired of hiding, and I am not a “sex offender”, yet every time I have spoken with the thug’s/police, they have aggressively tried to get me to forfeit my rights (all this while wearing an American flag, which I find extremely insulting) and in general just harassed me. A REAL American is not into tyranny and oppression like the state and their thug’s are. What I was convicted of did not involve another living entity (other than the loser chick that looked at some pictures with me, and who called the police on me because I did not want to be with her anymore. And of course she was considered a hero because she turned me in. They overlooked her part because of that.)and I have NEVER touched anyone inappropriately. When the police came to my residence the day before Halloween I did not answer the door because I refuse to participate in their BS ¹lie’s. They made sure to let ALL my neighbors know that I was a dangerous felon who would molest little kids though. These people are in fact lairs of the worst variety and have; either directly or indirectly, participated in or facilitated the death’s of way too many people that in no way deserved to die. I must conclude that people are stupid/²ignorant and are so lazy they would let others do their critical thinking for them. They are in fact controlled by the media and lesser men and women with agendas of self promotion; they do this at the expense of honesty and truth. It’s to the point that Amerka is no longer the land of the free; this statement goes way beyond our group, but most people are too apathetic to see or realize it; they just don’t want their little world disturbed. We have too many dishonest people destroying what was once our way of life. Anyone that thinks this isn’t so is is fooling themselves.
1.a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood. Synonyms: prevarication, falsification. Antonyms: truth.
2. something intended or serving to convey a false impression; imposture: His flashy car was a lie that deceived no one. inaccurate or false statement; a falsehood.
4.the charge or accusation of telling a lie: He flung the lie back at his accusers.
1. lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man.
2.lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of quantum physics.
3.uninformed; unaware.
4.due to or showing lack of knowledge or training: an ignorant statement.
When these politicians, judges and police make statements; it doesn’t mean they are true.
I agree. Ban the term. Even for those once convicted of touching someone. The word is in the present tense, does not give correct information about a person’s present motives or actions. It’s like calling someone who had committed fraud years ago a “con artist” or a former member of a gang a “gangster”. “sex offender” is a colloquial term, not a formal statement of fact. It’s use amounts to propaganda.
When I get up in the morning, I’m deeply troubled by whats going on in this country. In most of the other countries, individuals with issues or those who broke the law are treated much differently. Those of us in this country are treated in almost an angry fashion. I mean, you go to jail or prison and the individuals running the establishment are angry, corrupt and they treat most of the inmates as though they are less than animals. This is highly disturbing. Most recently, an oversight committe was put into place to oversee the conduct of the Sheriffs Department. THis is very disturbing. Then, we have those individuals being released from jail/prison with chips on their shoulders, no respect for law enforcement and for the most part, no opportunities. I mean, how do you expect anyone to succeed or just get released from prison and make a success for themselves? The odds are against you.
Now, we have cities and legislators putting constraints on sex offenders like nothing before. Can you recall when the internet web site was instituted (showing the names/addresses of those convicted of certain sex crimes)? That was a big deal. Seriously. We presently have a recidivism rate almost non existent and the legislators are pushing for harsher and harsher penalties? Some sex offenders must pos t signs on their lawns, posters are plastered all around town, some are banned from living in certain areas, visiting parks/beaches and libraries, banned from participating in Halloween, possess sex offender drivers licenses, required to visit the local police station before going on vacation and the list goes on and on? If I were to even imagine these laws existed 10 years ago, I would have just laughed.
So, the case and point is this. Ignorant people are looking at these laws and they have no idea what the recidivism rate is. They are viewing the legislators as simply individuals doing everything they can to protect the public. If these laws are being instituted, there must be a reason? Its creating hatred, anger, people are scared of sex offenders and most are viewing them as monsters, kidnappers or molesters? This is similar to what happened in Nazi Germany (The Jews).
Here is what needs to be done. We need to continue moving forward. I personally feel the park/beach/library ban in OC will be overturned. If I’m not mistaken, a very high profile lawyer from SF is fighting this? Furthermore, someone needs to go the full 9-yards with this Halloween ban! There should be no limitations on what a person can or can’t do during a Holiday. IF not, next will be Christmas. Furthermore, something needs to be done with regards to a Tier system that will allow people to eventually fall off the registry. It has to be done!
Right! I always emphasize FORMER sex offenders, as current ones are sent to jail or prison. AUTOMATICALLY, ANY registrant is a FORMER offender.
I often wonder with the statistics of repeat drunk driver offenders why restrictions never happened like 1,000 feet from a bar or place that sells alcohol.
Repeat offender drunk drivers kill more children than sex offenders in one year.
How many innocent lives could be saved? If it’s just one child. Why not say repeat drunk drivers can’t live near schools or playgrounds?
Drunk driving costs billions of dollars a year and one out of three will re offend compared to 2.7% of sex offenders. It seems alittle hypocritical to me. If you live next door to a guy that has three DUI’s in the last ten years, he’s more likely to be a real statistical threat to most families than Romeo & Juliet offenders, indecent exposure, johns, misdomeanor offenders, decade old offenders… Etc.
In 2011, 226 children were killed in drunk driving crashes. (MADD statistics)
In 2011, 9,878 people died in drunk driving crashes – one every 53 minutes
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration FARS data, 2012.
50 to 75 percent of convicted drunk drivers continue to drive on a suspended license.
About one-third of all drivers arrested or convicted of drunk driving are repeat offenders.
Drunk driving costs the United States $132 billion a year.
Out of 1,315,600 missing kids 115 were snatched in the sense that everybody is worried about.
Of missing children who were stereotypically kidnapped and killed totaled 40. That’s a terrible and terrifying number but really puts things into proper prospective.
Hypocrite public policy puts families and children lives in danger everyday……the under the influence driver puts everyones lives in danger…put their names in a registry….restrict their freedom….restrict their rights….For Our Children.
@ Freebird; statistically that’s 0.0087% that get snatched, however how many of those taken are taken by family members or people known to the family? Those that are killed total 0.003% but the numbers don’t add up…if RSO’s pose the danger law enforcement and politicians say we are shouldn’t the number be higher? Population under 18 in the US is 73 million, which means that about 1 in 70 kids goes missing or runs away. Of the 115 that get snatched, that totals about 0.0002% of minor population. If 40 of the 73 mil are killed, that’s 0.00005% of minor population. So there are 800,000 RSO’s that get those crimes pinned on them automatically, no proof, no evidence, just being on the website makes us suspect. Since our statistical recidivism rate is about 2% then of that 115 missing maybe…maybe 0.007 (not percentage) was snatched by RSO’s. Of the 40 killed maybe, just maybe <0.003 (not percentage) was killed by an RSO but there are NO STATISTICS that prove any of this. While still tragic, the factual numbers are statistically insignificant, almost non-existant against RSO's! Where's the scare, the danger? Only in the minds of those seeking re-election…
FBI says on average, there are only two children a year per state kidnapped by strangers. And that number has not changed in at least the past 50 years.
(Of course, as averages work, a state with a big population — California has the biggest population of any state — would be expected to have more than two and would l be balanced out by a state with little population — maybe Wyoming — that has 1 or none.)
OK.. Read this.
Today in kabc news…after thirty-four years in prison for
a crime he didn’t commit…released to freedom……….
good for him and his family finally……wrongful false conviction still exist for some still…..this registry is as
good as a corrupt trial.
Interesting articles clearly demonstrating the double standard and hypocrisy we are forced to live under.
Foley basically admits his guilt in this one.
Foley basically admits his guilt in this one. Why is t6his a-hole not prosecuted?
He’s the one that pushed the adam walch act through congress. –and– — John Walsh tells us NEVER hire a male
babysitter.,0,1056741.story?coll=bal-news-nav — and — —
John Walsh’s “exploding anus chips” speech
By the way; I’ll bet there is not too many people that know John Walch was discovered trying to have a sexual encounter with a 16yo girl. Of course his network buried that one real quick. — John Walsh’s Larry King Live interview admitting his
sexual addiction and cheating on his wife. — USA Today article on Mark
Lunsford’s son, Joshua, who was arrested on sex charges in 2007 — Outcome of Joshua Lunsford sex crime case; 10
days in jail and no registry!
there isn’t enough room here to tell my story. I have been thinking of doing a documentary of living in california labled as a sex offender 290. Maybe I will see you all at the RSOL meeting on the 16th of this month and tell you how it feels. thank you greg scott 290 parolee, that never hurt a child EVER and I am living with this.the laws got to change to fit individual crimes or persons.
Don’t believe anything you read and half of what you hear, but here is proof that this country jumped the shark:
40 year old teacher arrested at his school for two counts of ‘aggravated sexual battery’ (inappropriate touching = aggravated sexual battery – really????) over two year period 27 years ago. Like many commenters point out he must have been around 13 at the time. Again – we are talking touching in the mid 1980s – during the Reagan Administration.
Henrico Schools released a statement saying: “Our understanding is that the matter involves neither school property nor our students. Until such time that more facts are known , we think it’s best to decline further comment and let the legal process run its course.”
Well, DUH! He was 13! Hopefully 27 years ago none of your students were born.
How do you defend yourself against that? In an environment where you are guilty until proven innocent? …. whatever the outcome of this, I dare say this man’s life is shot. Lord help us all.
As a great sales trainer (who probably wouldn’t appreciate being quoted here) said,”Nobody cares about YOU…they care about THEMselves.” Another line to remember is, “You wouldn’t care so much what people thought about you if you knew how rarely they did.” Both of these quotes go out the window if you are an RSO though, because people see you on the internet and assume they know anything about you, and what they think they know is that you are a threat to THEM–their kids in particular. This is why we’re never going to win this battle pointing out how unjust these laws are. The average person HATES YOU! If they think you’re being punished perpetually, it makes them happy inside because this is what they want. What wins this argument is pointing out that THEIR kids are more likely to BECOME sex offenders than become victims of RSOs. We win by pointing out how the registry obscures real predators by adding to the volume to sift through and for law enforcement to monitor. We need more reporting on how the families of RSOs suffer, and what the crime was that brought it on years ago to begin with to point out the injustices being done for relatively minor offenses. If we don’t change the focus to how these laws hurt THEM, we’ll never get these laws to budge.
Double standard, anyone?
I’m in total shock. Now, lets pretend this was a man!
C: The teacher was charged with consensual sodomy? OMG
I have posted here before and I talked about the difference of living on parole and off parole as a 290 registrant. C.D.C.R. is the large and in charge enforcer of all the unfair laws and restrictions that hamper a persons life. When I was off parole for 13yrs., I was only required to register once a year. I lived where I wanted I was not molested by the police and I was free to choose my life as I pleased. The public does not know that when a person has served their time and completed parole or probation they are not subjected to any law that politicians pass. The laws are made for future offenders,and know matter what there current offense is C.D.C.R. will apply that new law to them. Even though their sex related offense may have happen 50yrs. ago. That is the miscarriage of justice.
Punishing women as men would mean women are equal to men. Can’t upset the storyline of women as victim. Got to keep them equal to irresponsible children the big daddy state must protect. Of course, if she were black….
I believe that because of 290 registration and treatment of all registrants, there is a new and overlooked disorder that I’ve discovered. Most registered citizens have this disorder; PASD or Post Arrest Stress Disorder. Yep, symptoms appear to be not wanting to go out in public for fear of retribution/vigilante activity, a touch of paranoia, excessive worry, fear when new laws are passed, acute unemployment, , homelessness, poverty, forced separation from loved ones. I’m sure there’s many more…Geez, I gotta go see my shrink about this.
Just an arbitrary comment regarding statutory rape in the media.
There is a show called “The Tomorrow People” which the lead protagonist is a 16-year old boy. I won’t get into the specifics of the show (people with teleporting powers fighting evil government bastards wanting to kill them, etc.). Rather, I am going to comment that the lead female, Cara, who ostensibly is mid to late 20’s, has a sexual tryst with the 16-year old. (In New York, the age of consent is 17.)
In the state of NY, this “tryst” would lead Cara to be tried and convicted of a felony statutory rape, and have to register as a Level 2 sex offender for 25 years as a MINIMUM. Depending on the prosecutor, she could also get lifetime on the registry.
I don’t mean to make an “extreme example” of this plot device in the show, but I don’t believe there is anyone else bringing it up. Am I being too sensitive? I don’t think so; there are literally tens of thousands of registrants who did EXACTLY what Cara did.
What is the motive for the polygraph test on everyone who committed a “crime” after the 2010 cut off date?
Keep statistics on individuals?
Keep individuals longer in therapy?
I would greatly appreciate peoples input…..
From what I’ve read and heard….The poly exam is not an accurate science.