END State Sanctioned Sexual Assault, Rape Culture and Law Enforcement Impunity

The San Diego police department’s scandal involving officers accused of preying on women who they came in contact with while in uniform and on duty. … We deserve to be safe. The recurrences of sexual assault committed by the above named officers as well as the investigation of San Diego police department’s facility concluded that we are not. Putting a woman or anyone in a position where they are LEGALLY sexually violated UNDER ANY THREAT should never happen. These THREATS are also in the form of entrapment by undercover police officers who are ALLOWED to lie, engage in sexual and illegal activities in an attempt to further incriminate the victim by either to face jail or deportation. The same applies to strip searches, stop and frisk procedures as well as intimate partner violence committed at a rate HIGHER than that of the general public, all while under the impunity protected by law enforcement’s blue code of silence; a brotherhood they hold protecting their own perpetrators who serve in the force. Full Article

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I’m dismayed but not surprised about this. For quite a long tine now all you needed to do is type “sexual misconduct by police “ as your search parameters in Google and you come up with page after page of examples of all rank’s of police officers all across the country doing everything they condemn us for. Some of us may have committed some of these crimes (one time), but statistics prove that it’s usually the only time it will ever happen with us. The police in this article are repeat offenders, in their jargon they would be called; “predators.” I believe this is because these officers lacked integrity and abused their position of public trust to satisfy their perverted nature.

I believe the problem of sexual abuse, assaults etc by police is a lot more common that some would like the public to know. Law enforcement’s blue code of silence (I first heard of this in the 70’s) makes this possible and makes many others in uniform guilty by not reporting the crimes. The article, first posted in SOSEN and then posted here by willb “who really commits new sex crimes” is a real eye opener on sex crimes by police. His article is not cited but his sources are easily followed. If anyone has any doubts about this all they need do is consider a simple truth; if you see one cockroach in the kitchen, guess what…… I think the implication is clear.

I’m always bothered by the media using the term “rogue” officers, whenever something like this comes out. The media’s job is to report the facts, not jump to any conclusions. I’ve never heard of a registrant who re-offends refereed to as “rogue”, even though that is a verifiable fact.
I guess the local media think they are doing a public service by minimizing any potential fear the public may feel when confronted by such stories. Or may they just want to keep the flow of videos depicting police apprehending criminals going to keep ratings up. That being said, trust of police is an important element in keeping law and order. Who would want to call the police for help, when in the back of your mind you fear what the police officer may do to you. Is this one of the “rogues” or is this one of the honest ones? Trust is important, but it must be earned, not manufactured by the media. The communist states of Eastern Europe and the dictatorships of Egypt, Syria, fell, I believe, because the police earned the title “bad guys”, despite the government propaganda that constantly built up the police force image — to no affect, except to anger the population living in constant fear of the police.
The media needs to do its job and not just say the police chief is looking into this and making some changes. Maybe the changes are superficial. For example, look into what extent the courts are either circumscribing or encouraging the violations of human rights by police. Delve into what conditions make the abuse of power likely. Is it too much stress? Is it lack of over sight? Is it really just a few bad actors? Give us some facts, so we can make informed decisions about what the police are doing or not doing. Don’t say it is a “culture of sexual violence” and then put in a woman police chief in charge to show the “culture” has changed. That explains nothing to me. Independent monitors overseen by a court, employing experts in human relations and constitutional rights– now that might have some teeth and create real public confidence.

Lets get some men and women in their uniforms on the “Web Site” mawhahaha

Yesterday’s news…five SanFrancisco cops were indited for falsifying evidence to cover-up misconduct……..should the federales head south on the 5 they could see some court personnel did the same.