Myth #4: Social media put teens at great risk from sexual predators.
In a nationwide survey, boyd and her colleagues found that 93 percent of parents were concerned that their child might meet a stranger online who would hurt them, while only one percent of them indicated that any of their own children had ever had such an experience. By far the biggest fear expressed by parents was of “sexual predators,” “child molesters,” “pedophiles,” and “sex offenders” who might contact their child through their online participation. This mirrors the fears, revealed in other national and international surveys, that underlie many parents’ decisions to restrict their children from venturing away from home, outdoors, without adult protection. Surprisingly, the respondents to boyd’s survey expressed as much fear for their sons as for their daughters. Full Article
Decent enough article that hit’s on some obvious truths that most people would rather not hear, like the “stranger danger” myth, and that’s what it is, a myth. It’s sad that allot of kids cant have a normal life because of the sex offender lie. This is mass delusion on a global scale; it’s epic, and all started on lies.