TX: Constitutional or not, court allows registration requirement for sex-offenses predating registry law

The Texas District and County Attorneys Association’s weekly case summaries last week described a new Court of Criminal Appeals decision which required sex-offender registration for offenses committed before the creation of the registry. The decision, though, failed to address the question of whether the underlying statute is constitutional, an issue dissenters said they should have confronted.  Full Article

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This country has a justices ystems of convenience not equal and fair courts or laws.

Don’t look for lawmakers to do any soul searching for constitutional soundness at this stage. They will put the ball into play and let the consequences play out later down the road with yet another predictable waste of sorely needed public funds.

Make no mistake about it, the goal is punishment and overreaching and extreme intrusion and removal of inherent liberties decades beyond the closure of registrants’ individual cases.

The lawmakers will go to every extent possible to disguise it as non punitive by wrapping it up as a ‘containment model’. They can’t see the forest for the trees on this one for sure.

The public gets fooled again and at the same time it is a win win for legislators, public officials, prison industrialists and extremists that would never take on the challenge of delving into the subject of constitionality. That would cost them money and votes quite simply stated.

It would be less expensive in the long run to put in a sound and manageable plan that adheres to constitutional guidelines. Is there even a Valid and Up to Date risk assessment tool that is being evaluated in this frenzy?

While there is robust inter-state collaboration on how to disenfranchise these American Citizens, is there inter-state sharing of actual statistic on recidivism such as the Cal- DOC document that clearly highlights the overblown proportion of these laws? My guess would be NO.

That is simply asking too much because the actual statistics and facts about danger posed, recidivism rates and actual effectiveness of these laws fly in the face of the distortions, omissions, rhetoric and fear mongering necessary to energize these efforts and gain popular support.

They rely on a misinformed public and are happy to omit anything counter to their effort – such as actual facts otherwise once known as truth.

Ex post facto protections are there for a myriad of reasons and they simply choose to ignore them. That, ladies and gentlemen, IS the truth.

They probably has people testifying in opposition during a subcommittee meeting.
I’d have to do more research to see if ACLU and others actually took a stance. The numbers of laws being enacted at all levels is so immense, the fraying and damage to the constitution is beyond believable proportion. The joke on the rest of the public is when these mechanisms expand and start entrapping everyday citizens in this same manner. Then ‘they’ will know it is too late. We’re just an odyssey right now but when other groups are selected, targeted and stripped of constitutional rights, it will be a real big deal.