A mother faces a charge of child neglect after she allowed her son to go to a local park alone. She says he’s old enough but Port St. Lucie Police disagree. Now she’s fighting back. … The officer wrote in the report that Dominic was unsupervised at the park and that “numerous sex offenders reside in the vicinity.” Full Article
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INSANITY! Everything is illegal! There isn’t even a law that says this was illegal and they are going to try and make one up as it goes! Where the hell are we living that this nonsense goes on??
Just going to get more nuts as time goes, so will you all continue to not fight back. Sling mud back at them.
There’s another case in South Carolina where a mother was arrested and her child placed in foster care because she let her 9yo son play in a park. She made sure her child had a cell phone and the park was a stone’s throw from where the mother was. There were allot of other kids at the park when her son went there. I guess every parent I kew growing up, including my own, are felons because we used to go to the park unsupervised quite a bit. I can recall going to the park alone at 5yrs old. This is beyond ridiculous; it;s stupid. I suppose kids won’t be able to go ANYWHERE unsupervised in the neat future. This is totally lame!
This is simply a shining example of how America has become a police state and there is no way to argue against that statement. As pointed out, what was clearly totally normal behavior has become criminal. Parenting is taken over by the state (yes, this is an extreme state of stupidity – Florida) but that is not the point.
Hopefully once “regular” people see that these sort of abuses of the law DO in fact impact them, then they might take the abuse that we have to endure daily more seriously.
Sure, I can dream right…we all know that nothing will change at all. Honestly I have given up all optimism totally at this point. I am simply not a foolish enough to think way any longer.
Welcome to the new Amerika! Oh…and watch what you say on the phone as well…oh, and they have my ip address already (even though I have not been forced yet to give it to them with the injunction) BUT I think I still might have a tiny little bit of “free speech” that I can still exercise. At least until next election year when they take away all internet access to all RSOs. Coming soon.
As I mentioned in another thread, don’t be surprise if they make her register as a SVP.
Not to mention that there are no records of any minor ever being sexually assaulted or kidnapped from a park, or playground