AZ: Arizona’s Naked Photo Law Makes Free Speech a Felony

Which of the following could land you a felony conviction in Arizona? Showing images of naked prisoners tortured at Abu Ghraib; Linking to the iconic Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph of “Napalm Girl,” showing an unclothed Vietnamese girl running from a napalm attack; Sharing a close-up photo of a woman’s breast with a breastfeeding support group; Waving a friend over to see a cute naked baby pic — like the one you see on this page. Unfortunately, the answer is all of the above. That’s because Arizona recently passed a law that…

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Justice Department Announces $17.6 Million in Awards to Support Sex Offender Registration, Intervention and Treatment

The U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Office of Justice Programs (OJP) today announced more than $17 million in Fiscal Year 2014 grant assistance for states, territories, tribal governments and other entities to use to implement, enhance and maintain sex offender programming throughout the United States. “These awards provide a wide range of assistance to help states, communities, tribes, and even institutions of higher learning manage sex offenders,” said Dawn Doran, Acting Director of the Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering and Tracking (SMART).  “They will give jurisdictions the tools…

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Anti-Junk Forensic Science bill is now law: Criminal Justice Public Policy Breakthrough in California

California Governor Jerry Brown just signed into law SB 1058 bill. The law permits habeas corpus petitioners (i.e. after a conviction) the ability to contest expert testimony that was presented against them at trial. In other words, experts who either repudiate their past testimony or used forensic “science” that is later deemed faulty by legitimate research are subject to later proceedings reversing a conviction. Personal liabilities of those experts are NOT affected by this amendment to the California Penal Code. Full Article

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California Enacts ‘Yes Means Yes’ Law, Defining Sexual Consent

Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a bill into law that makes California the first in the nation to have a clear definition of when people agree to sex. The law goes further than the common “no means no” standard, which has been blamed for bringing ambiguity into investigations of sexual assault cases. The new law seeks both to improve how universities handle rape and sexual assault accusations and to clarify the standards, requiring an “affirmative consent” and stating that consent can’t be given if someone is asleep or incapacitated by…

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What I Want You To Know About Being The Sister Of A Convicted Sex Offender

I used to believe in monsters. Until my brother became one. Three years ago, I got a call that my brother had been arrested for molesting his step-daughter. Certain there had been a mistake, I was obviously dumbfounded. Until he confessed. Through slurred words, drunken ramblings and tears that, yes, he had, and on more than one occasion. The arrest was just the very first drop in a roller coaster of emotion. This event has single handedly shaken my world like nothing before it. It has transformed my family in…

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Ever have Your Fortune Told.

Human beings have the habit of wanting somebody to be omniscient In powers to predict the future. When you think of a fortuneteller you think of a Gypsy type woman in a dark room with a turbine on her head in front of a crystal ball. We know in our hearts that these people are charlatans, whether they use a crystal ball, tarot cards, numerology or our astrological signs. Why then should we put any more faith into forensic psychologists who disregard the limits of science by overstating the accuracy…

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