A Sheriff’s deputy in Wise County has been arrested in a bizarre incident. Sgt. Chad Hightower told sex offenders the state now required him to photograph them nude. He even told one fellow he must achieve an erection for the photo shoot, which took place in the police impound yard. Unreal. Full Article
Also see
Officer arrested for photos of sex offender
This is highly actionable in civil court. Unfortunately, thare aren’t a whole lot of attorneys out there in Texas whom would take on this case for fear of being accused of “coddling sex offenders.”
What I find interesting is that the photos were taken in the impound yard. Is that to give the offenders the not so subliminal message that their penis has been impounded?
I do hope they find some way of getting a civil suit filed against this deputy and anyone who has put him up to it. My guess is that he was acting under orders from a superior, I can’t imagine he would be so stupid as to act alone on this.
And this is another example of how messed up law enforcement is in this country. Please tell me these nudes are posted on the public registry so everyone can be provided with more useless information that does not prevent future crimes.
Dont potential cops have to go through some sore of screening process?
Good gawd you can’t make this stuff up!
I am so tickled to see one of their sanctimonious own crash and burn.
This is more proof that we have mentally ill cops out there…the true predators!!!
The fox watching the hen house – no doubt!
This is the reason that America is spinning the drain and about to go down for the final time. It is this sort of perversion of those in power over the people who have destroyed a once vibrant light of freedom of thought and speech…but no more. Those in power have had only their own interests in mind and this is the result.
This country is only slightly above North Korea and heading closer each day…in fact, at least the propaganda is out in the open there unlike here where they spy on your every word without telling you under the BS of (fill in the blank).
American is noting more than a Police State and our founding fathers would be ashamed to see what the political system has done to this country!