County sued over sex offender ordinance

Seeking to protect civil rights for a “socially outcast minority,” the California chapter of Reform Sex Offender Laws this year has sued 22 municipalities for ordinances that the group contends are inconsistent statewide and unconstitutional, the organization’s president said Monday.

San Bernardino County on Oct. 14 was the latest target of California Reform Sex Offender Laws, which is led by Santa Maria attorney Janice Bellucci. Full Article

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Good! : )

The biggest argument against these ordinances are the children of registrants being put at risk by not allowing their first line of defense (their parents) to be with them in parks. Where are we in pre-1945 Germany? Watch my compelling presentation on this matter before the Orange County Board of Supervisors on 05-08-2012 below:
Click tab for 2012 and go to 5-08-12 video. Scroll down to public comments (I’m the first presenter):

Well, none of this would be a problem if cities and counties would just knock off the BS and obey the laws.

Janice has done so much. But has she done so for Registrants’ best interests…or for someone(s) else’s interest, or even her own? Think about it: she sues 22 municipalities, each, so far, settling for $3,000 to $6,000. OF course….all of these governments must settle with an attorney: Janice Bellucci, for example, for profit.
They don’t. According to published media reports. Not every municipality settles, to be certain. If they don’t…what is her down side? Who’s money is at stake? Where do the funds go for registrants go?
BIG QUESTION: what happens to the money Janice and her acknowledged team generates?


I lightly criticized the approach of attacking a law loophole vs. the bigger ‘prize’ of illegality head-on but as far as I’m concerned she can have every dime she earns!!

She is doing a service for us that only someone with a law license can and we don’t have many advocates who are willing and able to help in this way.

I’m not even in CA and I’m cheering her on with every win.

This isn’t ‘our money’ she’s winning but it is ‘her time’ she’s spending.

All the cities she sues are well aware of the case law in the matter. Prior to any lawsuit being filed she sends warning/demand letters that gives them reasonable time to repeal or amend the law.
Most time these city councils do not. Even going AGAIST the advice of the city attorney and/or city manager.

Then, after they make their political point, at the expense of the treasury of the city the are elected to represent and look out for, those that are sued finally settle for a small amount.

But many change the law before hand, after they get the demand letters, and CARSOL, or Janice, get no money from those.

I have long wondered why some copy-cat has not jumped on this cash train and sued the rest of the cities. Be that an attorney who has found a plaintiff / registrant or a registrant who has secured the services of an attorney.

As I would imagine all prior and successful (!) lawsuits are in the public domain the actual lawyering would be minimal.

To that end Janice should serve the rest of the cities with law suits before someone else does.

As Michael points out all cities have been given a more than fair chance to repeal their ordinances. That speaks loudly to the motivations about these suits. It is indeed about civil rights, and not about money.

It is no one’s business what happens to the monetary awards. If anyone deserves a financial reward it is Janice and the plaintiff in these cases.

In a fair world, I believe all registered citizens and their families should be compensated for having their rights violated, but that money should come from the cities that have done the violating not from carsol, who is holding them to the law.

C’mon plylooper..It Doesn’t Matter what your name is……..what matters is this you quack like some personnel in orange county with the same coward deceptive quack speak …there are still many of people with honor integrity and determination to even up the score….Janice Bellucci has those qualities and challenges injustice …… plylooper(whatever)….you attack her character as if she were in an orangecounty courtroom ..leave the right/left turns of deception for an oc courtroom…….best you leave Janice alone.

Man that guys a quack. I hope Janice makes as much money as possible from the gangster gov. I can’t even believe that quack would even suggest otherwise. Janice is one of a few people that are fighting these laws I wish I had a million dollars to donate to her I wish mike tyson or some other rich people would get involved with this like that billionaire in Florida that got busted any help we get is great. Thank you Janice and don’t listen to people like that he’s probaly the only one in the world that thinks like that.