Living with 290: first visit

It’s halloween and my first year as a registered 290. while at work my wife called me in tears. that morning she was visited by a small army of police/probation personnel. They informed her that the house was to be searched. My poor wife of 40 years sat there terrified while they went through everything. Finding nothing,they left informing her they would be back next year.

I’m fearful of neighbors now knowing. all of this is my doing. the guilt/shame is sometimes more than I can bear. I alone created this hell which we are now living. This punishment will never end and I feel it is hopeless. If any of you out there have gone through this,please let me know. Will this ever end? Will there be a change in the offender laws? Or am I to be a sub-human for the rest of my life.

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Are you on probation or parole? I ask because if you are not, you don’t have to allow them to search without a warrant just because you are registered. Also, even if you are on probation or parole, it is my understanding that they aren’t supposed to search without you being present. Your wife is not on probation or parole and should not be treated as if she is. You might want to consult an attorney to verify this.

Don’t despair. There are many, many people in exactly your situation. It seem horrible, but there is hope. The hope is in collective action. Our efforts are having an impact and things are improving. I first registered 20 years ago and it was no big deal. Each year it got worse and worse with new requirements and restrictions, longer wait times and more visits from cops. The tide is turning. We are winning in courtrooms and in the legislature. I think we will have a great 2015.

I am inspired by the love and support of family and friends. The strength of love from family and friends has sustained me through difficult times. In spite of the enormous power that works against us all the time, through our collective efforts and the love of our families and friends, we are going to get though this.

I am in to this 30 years , It gets better.. you are likly going thru the worst of it . But don’t expect it to go-away. I have found treating it like a disability, Like loosing a leg , or two . This my way of surviving. I treat it like it is somthing to be beat , to live with as best I can. I have buried my self in my work , It is a safe place for me. and after 30 years of doing little else , I have found my self in a nice home , and moderatly wealthy.

That helps me to survive. . .

I also try to stay out of trouble , and never call 911 , They will likly find a way to haul you to the jail. So you best have enough cash on hand for a good lawyer. .

Hi Living with 20-90: first visit.

Welcome to the lie that is 290. As td777 said; if you aren’t on probation or parole you don’t have to let the scumbags into your house, and you don’t have to talk to them either. When these un-American terrorists show up at your door they do not have the backing of any law or mandate; these so called “compliance checks” are something this group (law enforcement; what a joke!) that is at “war” with pretty much all cultures and classes of citizens have taken upon themselves.

The last time they came to my door they tried to con their way into the house and onto the property. They didn’t get past the front door because I stood up for myself by flexing my rights. I strongly suggest you and your wife educate yourselves and attend some CA-RSOL meetings and ask Janice or Chance a few questions.

You don’t have to take the BS. And be careful of what you read here because this site seems to have an over abundance if people that seemingly intellectualize everything. Education is the answer and it will place control of what happens when the terrorists do show up squarely in your and your wife’s hands.

Oh; and by the way, ever since I stood up for myself I haven’t seen hide nor hair of them at my residence. I’m not saying they won’t be back, but this year I seem to have been excluded from that ludicrous “operation boo.”

I’m including some links that helped me quite a bit. I hope they help you too. Also, go to the part of this site called “living with 209” and look up my post “compliance checks II,” it’s very informative. Scratch that; I just checked and it’s not there anymore. Here’s the links. And don’t talk to them. Refer them to a lawyer.

Granted they’ll make alot of fuss like bring in a SWAT team and sheriff department booming on a blow horn “Register Sex Offender …insert name…. We are now conducting a Compliance Check, open your door” Your neighborhood, the news chopper, and basically half the country is going to watch it on the tv… It has happened…

Unless there is a direct condition that allows for full search and seizure they can only take something in plain sight. Also if it was a compliance check the only thing they legally are trying to confirm is that a registrant actually lives where they say they do. Next time this happens even if you are not there have whoever is politely answer the door, walk just outside the door and close it. Ask if its a compliance check, if yes, ask “would you like to see a piece of mail with my name on it (if you are asking) or if its not you (have them say your name) to prove i/he/she lives here?” Chance are the officers will say yes. Very important nobody should ever invite them in. Ask the officers to wait there while a piece of mail is grabbed. Don’t leave the door open. As quickly as possible return with mail and show it to them. That should satisfy their needs to do a compliance check.

While on probation, parole, or supervised release the only person you should let into your house without court signed paperwork is the probation officer or parole agent. Anyone else should not be granted entry without a warrant. Even then there should be a very clearly defined limit to what they can look at or do.

Assuming that you are on probation or parole. It does get better, way better.

Educate yourself and get to know your rights. I know it’s scary, but having this site to help you is so much better than it was before we had Janice and company.

Get a pit bull.

Well, let me say this in both a professional and sincere manner. 20 years ago, I made a terrible mistake and to say the least, the sex offender laws where nothing at the time. Well, they are only getting worst and worst. In summary, if anyone breaks the law today and is not familiar with the laws today, they are nuts. I’m petrified to even jay walk! In conclusion, if your not in prison/people kill sex offenders, you have your health and your wife remained with you, then you have nothing to complain about. Just become familiar with the laws and know your rights.

A Registrant IS subjected to unannounced searches WHILE on probation. When you get off, police can never harass you again.