CA RSOL Meeting – January 10 in Los Angeles

The first California RSOL’s Meeting in 2015 will take place on January at 10 am in Los Angeles. The location is the usual location in Los Angeles, at the ACLU Building at 1313 W. 8th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017. Start time is 10 am.

The meeting will cover general topics of interest, as well as specific issues pertinent at meeting time, in addition to offering invaluable opportunities to network with others affected by this issue, as well as activists and professionals. We will discuss pending legislation as well as the Supreme Court review of Residency Restrictions to be heard on December 2nd.

We welcome registrants, friends and family and other supporters to attend. The meeting is off-limits to media and government officials in order to ensure everyone’s privacy. There is no charge to attend.

Come kick the new year off to a successful start – Show up, Stand up, Speak up!

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I will be there for sure.

I’ve only recently learned of CARSOL’s existence, so I’m looking forward to attending the L. A. Meeting and getting lots of helpful information.
I’m very glad this organization exists.
See you January 10!

I live near the Oregon border. Is there any chance for a meeting in the north state, like redding?

Greetings –

I have spent a considerable amount of time reading through the posts on this website, and I can personally related to many frustrations amongst the users of this site.

Though I am now an expired sex offender, I fully support and see the necessity for substantial change in sex offender polices. In a nutshell, as I can sum everything up that I have read so far, sex offender policy is a very misleading propaganda machine that has resulted in human rights abuses.

It is in my own opinion that it has come to a justifiable point that there needs to be very visible public outcry among sex offenders to go to the frontline to drive real needed changes. Invite family, friends, colleagues, bosses, classmates, neighbors, teachers, professors, supporting advocates, and anyone else who is significant in your life to participate in peaceful protests that are held a public parks, public libraries and at other civic establishments.

The protests should be characterized that include people wearing Halloween costumes, others reading books from the library, some wearing athletic uniforms to play a sport in the park, etc. There should also be big signs that communicate the truth. Registered Sex Offenders who have a family should bring their spouse and children to the protest. Put on acts of how unjust sex offender registration laws have separated families and has violated fundamental rights.

You must speak out — and not be afraid to do so! Taking to the streets in your communities to protest is the only way that mainstream society will ever be able to know the truth and realize the seriousness of the epidemic hysteria. Point out the real evil, which is mostly not registered sex offenders.

Protesting does, especially as a registered sex offender, does involves risks but I believe the potential long range benefits outweigh whatever risks may remain for registered sex offenders. Many registered sex offenders have already been deprived of their live and rights, so participating in a protests isn’t going to involve losing too much more. If you want freedom again you will have to fight for it. You have the constitutional right to assemble and free speech. Take full advantage and make full use of that constitutional right!

This can’t be a one day, one week, or even one month protests but it will most likely be a very long fight. By protesting, certain things will have to be sacrificed but this is at the expense of regaining your liberties and being able to live a peaceful life. We must take down the political sex offender propaganda machine.

The objectives of the protests should be very clear:

Liberation by abolishing all public shame sex offender registries, and foster a fair system of rehabilitation and reintegration into society of past offenders that is beneficial for everyone.

Reform the criminal justice system to address the most serious predatory offenders/repeat offenders that involve bodily harm/forced rape, kidnapping, murder, and the like, but also to forgive when it is justly merited.

As long as you fully paid your debt to society, there is no reason to feel ashamed! On the frontline, represent by who you ‘really’ are.

The time is now! Get Organized! Speak out! Do it now!

Be on the frontline a real change! Now GO! GO! GO!

“The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can’t be any large-scale revolution until there’s a personal revolution, on an individual level. It’s got to happen inside first. ” (Jim Morrison)


Can’t be there, but can a discussion be started about laws as relates to employment, such as expungement and such. Being off the registry means little if you can’t get hired.

I just came across this site (and group) and will do everything in my power to attend. I am so excited to have found this group and will be as actively involved as I possibly can be.

Looking forward to meeting everyone in January!

I went to the last meeting in Los Angeles. I was a bit apprehensive at first because I didn’t know what to expect. I thought there would be people with signs out front or something crazy like that. But once inside I felt totally safe and by the end of it I felt like I was surrounded by friends. I encourage everyone who is free and within driving distance to attend.
I look forward to going this time around.

I wish i could tell bout my husband an i’s case of false our kids lied to daughter lied in court..committing a felony case was a bias n predigiouse.i was forced to plea bargain.crimes that were never committed an there proof.
Ive tried to prove innocence..cant afford an attorney..being on social husband died in prison..after being attacked by anoii wanither inmate.he got 56 yrs for somthing he didnt do.ive lost everything..cant keep a home..when landlords find out im thrown out.ive slept in fields..abandon houses n such..csuse of this ive hadini strokes.
My BP stays high..i cry all the time..i was attacked n beaten im partislly blind in my right eye..

I look forward to being there.

I am also anxious to attend one of these meetings, but like most of us Registered Citizens, travelling more than an hour from home is too expensive and my County has very little in the way of public transportation as we have no train or Greyhound services. I look forward to the day I have the opportunity to attend and be with others in this awful situation. I’m in Lake County which is small, poor and isolated.

Very good meeting today. Helpful information. Nice to meet Janice, Chance, Frank et al.
I look forward to the day when residency restrictions are recognized as “banishment” and
SORNA is challenged at the U. S. Supreme Court as the “punishment” it is.

when is the next meeting, i missed the January meeting