WI: Man arrested on suspicion of burning house intended for sex offender

Dane County authorities arrested a town of Cottage Grove man they say set fire to a house Sunday night in a vigilante effort to keep a sex offender from moving in there. Russell A. Speigle, 50, was arrested on a tentative charge of arson for the fire, which destroyed a home at 4721 Gaston Circle in the town of Cottage Grove, Sheriff Dave Mahoney said Tuesday. Investigators are now trying to determine if Speigle was responsible for another fire that damaged the same house in December, Mahoney said. Full Article

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OK: Sex offender chemical castration bill defeated in Senate committee

OKLAHOMA CITY – A Senate panel on Tuesday defeated a measure that would have allowed for the chemical castration of violent sex offenders.bThe Senate Judiciary Committee rejected Senate Bill 671 by Sen. Mark Allen, R-Spiro, by a vote of 5-4 with no debate.   The legislation would have applied to sexually violent offenses including rape, rape by instrumentation, lewd or indecent proposals or acts against a child under 16, solicitation of a minor and procuring a minor to participate in pornography. Full Article

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Living with 290: Torn and Angry

He has a violent history of fighting and no love for authority (cops). He felt the street life was appealing until prison came knocking on the door. One night of drunkenness and high off of whatever he could get his hands on changed our lives forever. …. Just know that in 1997 Jazz was one of the fastest 400/800 meter runners in the country. Now, he’s labeled as a sex offender. Can’t live withing 2600 feet of school. Yet, there is a school on nearly every corner. When he was…

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